Guide: Resource/Mod Default Prices


If the market keeps gouging the price of blood/frost woods. The people like me who spend ten hours a day chopping trees to supply the server are just going to simply stop and go back to playing other aspects of the game. maybe when you personally spend that much time in bordem will you then realize 200/250 per wood makes it a complete waste of time.
Has anyone seen this before? The horned leather colored like normal leather? Guessing i collected some a long time ago before a patch. (right click and open in new tab on the image to open)


Has anyone seen this before? The horned leather colored like normal leather? Guessing i collected some a long time ago before a patch. (right click and open in new tab on the image to open)
When you craft with colored leather you can choose whether or not to color it in the crafting menu :)
When you craft with colored leather you can choose whether or not to color it in the crafting menu :)

Check out the picture. I have two stacks of Horned leather. One stack is the color of normal leather, while the other stack is the typical grayish black. This is what i'm inquiring about.


Check out the picture. I have two stacks of Horned leather. One stack is the color of normal leather, while the other stack is the typical grayish black. This is what i'm inquiring about.
I can take a regular pile of horn leather which is the normal grayish black, then choose in my crafting menu not to color it and when I craft the item it comes out the normal leather color but it still says horned

i dont care about the color of the armor made. im just wondering if i happened to get a stack of horned leather that was normal color before some kind of patch. I have two stacks there of horned leather on the left. Note the color differences. That is all im asking about.



i dont care about the color of the armor made. im just wondering if i happened to get a stack of horned leather that was normal color before some kind of patch. I have two stacks there of horned leather on the left. Note the color differences. That is all im asking about.
I think normal colored, horned leather, is just non color crafted gear, that got cut up.

Sent from my SM-G900P



i dont care about the color of the armor made. im just wondering if i happened to get a stack of horned leather that was normal color before some kind of patch. I have two stacks there of horned leather on the left. Note the color differences. That is all im asking about.
I don't know how else to explain it to you if I craft with horned leather that's regular color and choosing my menu not to color it when I craft the tunic it will be normal leather color. If I then take a pair of scissors and cut that tunic I just crafted it will become a pile of horn leather colored like normal leather just like you have. I can easily replicate what you have.