Donation items getting ridiculous

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well personally I think it's obvious that the staff has done a great job with generating population and viable donation items.
SO not that I really care about neons anyways, but I happened to notice there was no suggestion here as to what to do diff.
Could the devs create a metal box at west brit bank, for donating (deleting) donation coins? that way, people could be like ''yeah, I like to support the server, but I dont want to flood it with neons'' they can throw some of their donation in the donation box to help prevent the problem themselves?

wut u think about that constructiveness fellers


So in your mind, I'm not allowed to call out an issue if I don't have a solution? There's already a dialogue going on between staff and players about new donation items.


Gotta be fly.

That said, I prefer tasteful restraint so I opt out of a lot of the ugliness this server offers.

Ain't gonna hate on giving options though. If someone wants to look like a complete fuck then more power to 'em. Especially if it helps the server, double more power to 'em.


Bromista, let's get married.

Also, if there were suitable alternatives, would it not be more beneficial to the server to have items that would attract a larger audience?
It's how people want to spend their money.
As long as the donation items don't affect game play or create a unfair advantage, I'm fine. People can do whatever they want to do.

OSI lost me on blessed flaming swords of instakill, spell channeling, and the fc/fcr nonsense.

+1 for pink unicorns though.


Bromista, let's get married.

Also, if there were suitable alternatives, would it not be more beneficial to the server to have items that would attract a larger audience?
You mean like lesser (or cheaper I guess) items that had more mass appeal? You could have something there. Because like me I'm sure a lot of people shy away from some of the donation items.

I've noticed that there are two types of people here, the kind of people who buy what they want and what they want to keep for themselves and those who just can't hang onto the items they buy. My friend is this way, he buys something and it's sold less than a week later. He's reallllly bad about it. So all that tacky shit is right up his alley because he can't hang onto items, however I would never dream of owning some of these donation items not even if they had promise of an increased resale value.

Blaze orc mask? Can't be bothered. But there are tons of items I would buy to keep if they didn't look like they came out of a box of fruit snacks.


Once they revamp factions, they can remove hooded shrouds as an incentive to joining a faction. They could put hooded shrouds up for 25k coins and people would buy them. We also haven't had a donation raffle in a few weeks. If they turned the houses in magincia into donation raffle houses, we could clear out a ton of the donation items.

House linking teleporters, added bank storage, non-neon pet dyes, a permanent item that layers your leather cap so you can hide it, an item that increases your runebook charges, bags of sending, ethereal mounts that look like real mounts, ethereal faction mounts, permanent cultist paint, hooded shrouds (non-dyable), one use spellbook dye tub (non-neon), just a few ideas for donation items.


So in your mind, I'm not allowed to call out an issue if I don't have a solution?

so in your mind, it's ok to twist my words around??
The fact that I gave you a viable solution and you ignored it shows where yo mind at on this topic, bruh


Once they revamp factions, they can remove hooded shrouds as an incentive to joining a faction. They could put hooded shrouds up for 25k coins and people would buy them. We also haven't had a donation raffle in a few weeks. If they turned the houses in magincia into donation raffle houses, we could clear out a ton of the donation items.

House linking teleporters, added bank storage, non-neon pet dyes, a permanent item that layers your leather cap so you can hide it, an item that increases your runebook charges, bags of sending, ethereal mounts that look like real mounts, ethereal faction mounts, permanent cultist paint, hooded shrouds (non-dyable), one use spellbook dye tub (non-neon), just a few ideas for donation items.

sad that it took two pages of opinion and bickering to suggest some alternatives! bravo tho


Its all about style... either you got it or you don't... most people, design/deco houses like they dress... like blind mongbats.



tl;dr there are better and more constructive means of gathering donations than allowing bank sitters to discourage players by looking like neon clowns.


So not sure how viable this would be in the coding, but what about an option to display neon hues? Not too familiar with the engine and how much work it would be, but allowing users craving the nostalgia to revert neon hues to its closest classic hue would perhaps be a good compromise. Sort of like a profanity filter for neon



Jelly comes in all shapes and colors!



Scientists continue to look for and are unable to locate the ''Jellybone''



So not sure how viable this would be in the coding, but what about an option to display neon hues? Not too familiar with the engine and how much work it would be, but allowing users craving the nostalgia to revert neon hues to its closest classic hue would perhaps be a good compromise. Sort of like a profanity filter for neon

that would have to be done by modifying the client, or by filtering it through Razer/Steam. It would require modding or filtering your client and overriding those hues with another hue.


I think personal expression of an avatar is critical towards "bonding" with your own virtual character. I've never been big on it, but can see how others are all about it. If someone wants to support the shard and get clothing to make themselves look unique (let's face it, who wants to see everyone in basic robes), then we should not be bashing them, but thanking them for donating to keep the server running and for spicing up the game a bit. It's nowhere near over the top imo.
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