Do obsidian statues do anything?

Ledz Epplin

What do u do with the statues?

I have a observatory started with a lot of them. Eventually at some point I will buy a bigger place and make an 18x18 worthy of an obsidian musem :)

And when you bring chicks home, it ensures at least a triple ;) They dig em, trust me!

But.... if you can't handle the pressure of owning such strong female attracting talismans, I will take them off your hands for the above listed price :)


Ledz Epplin

Not sure, you can find it on google from the uo model, not sure if uof is 100% the same. I'm just waiting patiently to see the fabled rare that is unnamed and gets named after the first person to double click it.

I've only seen one and it was on the Atlantic server back in like 1998ish :)