i kill dragon paragons on my dexxer completely naked fyi and ive been playing on this server over 6 months
Why you so mad
I'm still trying to figure out what the focal relic is useful for. Extra 2-7 damage on one spell each minute....weirdMe? Levelling this maji talisman is putting me on the edge of pulling the pin. It's a fantastic idea but needs some serious tweaking.
Well, a beserler, by definition is a guy that just goes wild in combat, and generally little on no armor. I was thinking that, since stamina is directly linked to that ability, that the beserking talisman would at least reduce stamina loss, or maybe even generate a little stamina to sort of mimick a beserker. But theres no such thing, so a beserler doing massive damage until hit hard and then wimping out is sorta meh.
waah i have to wait 15 mins for my talisman to kick in... how bout you dont die and you wont have problems its not like you cant kill stuff without it quit your crying its a gift not a right to be able to slaughter spawn on a dexxer which ive been doing since ive been here i think it should be 30 minute cool down teach yourselvs not to die and escape massive ganks which i do often once and awhile i get caught and its 90% factions that make it so i cant escape
exactly why 15 minutes inst long enough you can sitll kill mobs wothout it its not as if you cha is weaker stop being so spoiled
I've got vanqs I can sell you. They're on the Vanq+ Vendor Right outside of Cove's gate.I'm still looking for vanqs to charge the damn thing, so I'm personally against this whole thing. Someone give me 28 vanqs.
I think it's fine.
My understanding was that it's not just to mimic tamer downtime; it's to add some risk to your char. It forces careful and deliberate use of the template, and proper equipping, not just kamikaze-ing in with a weap and aids and then constantly dying and ressing (especially at champs or events for example).
I'll give you an example. @wreckognize does the Arch Daemon fully geared (pots, regs, armor, etc.) on his dexer. Most others (including myself) show up with a weapon, a few bandaids, and maybe some refresh pots. Because he plays his char well and rarely dies, his talisman is still active and he is always top of the charts, sometimes by a large margin. He deserves it. But that kind of deliberate use wouldn't really be rewarded if you could just send wave after wave of your corpse into the daemon with barely any equipment and still get talisman bonus.
I don't see it as a "time" factor but rather a risk factor. The risk for tamers is not downtime, it's pet skill loss upon death of pets. But they aren't going to drop a dexers skills. So there's a cooldown on the talisman. 15 minutes is plenty fair IMO
exactly why 15 minutes inst long enough you can sitll kill mobs wothout it its not as if you cha is weaker stop being so spoiled