I went here... http://www.uoforum.com/wiki/index/... but didn't see much info. I've never had/used a custom house. I'd set a Villa somewhere, but I want the teleporter doohicky. Sooooo....
If I buy a plot off someone, do I still need that house tool thingy?
If I buy a plot off someone, is the customizing menu pretty straight forward?
Are there other costs? As in gold or resources?
"One house per account"... How I put second toon on house, first toon owns? Or do all 3 have automatic access?
Obviously, I don't know squat about houses. Don't even know what I should ask
So if there's any other little tidbit, I might wanna know, feel free to tell me 
OH! One more.... How big a house I need, not to get whacked by earthquake, if I standing in center? I know how scandalous some of these "awesome" pvp players are... *Casually glances towards Jenny Jugs and Hottie*
If I buy a plot off someone, do I still need that house tool thingy?
If I buy a plot off someone, is the customizing menu pretty straight forward?
Are there other costs? As in gold or resources?
"One house per account"... How I put second toon on house, first toon owns? Or do all 3 have automatic access?
Obviously, I don't know squat about houses. Don't even know what I should ask
OH! One more.... How big a house I need, not to get whacked by earthquake, if I standing in center? I know how scandalous some of these "awesome" pvp players are... *Casually glances towards Jenny Jugs and Hottie*