Christmas Boss Idea


Has anyone seen the movie trailer for Krampus yet? If not I listed it below


Origins of Krampus & History

I think it would be cool to have a Christmas event with Krampus as a boss with a story line along the lines of this.

Krampus is apparently like opposite of Santa so he goes after the naughty ones, So what would be cool is if the story was a long the lines of Santa getting fed up with all the thieves and Pkers in uo and decides he isn't coming this year and sends Krampus instead. Santa gives Krampus full reigns over his elves to do his bidding for one night to get revenge on Britannia for all the evil that has been going down for years.

Krampus would be the Boss that spawns but after he sends an invasion of his evil elves (orcs) and reindeer (Deer) into Britianna. Then he would spawn in a Certain dungeon that would be like a champ spawn where you have to take him and his army down.

After which you could put Santa into the Story Line somehow.

What do ya think?




wtf is this man.. fucking holywood butchering german and european folklore once again
Wait they follow lore here? lol.. I just thought it was a fun event idea for Uo. Seen the Trailer and was like.. damn that would be cool to fight a Krampus. Technically the Origin of Santa Clause started in 280 A.D, Medieval times which UO is based off started in 500 AD so technically it fits in with the lore if you go by the time frame lol.
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