
how about this, since basically everyone knows me and you only have 37 posts, why not tell us all who your characters are?

I'm always game for a laugh


roflmao buddy please, if you were my equal in anything you wouldn't be climbing my nutsack so hard. weather or not I've been in the field much since last winter matters little, I work for a living unfortunately and the job wears me down. It doesn't mean I'm some scrubby orc farmer.

I still PvP though on a daily basis regardless of weather or not I play factions, enter mumble, or hang out with any of you teenyboppin young girls. Ask Joe Montana about the happy housewarming I gave him, or the tamer who I sold back his two pure nightbears this morning.

You have a lot to learn if you think having a script or gear do all the work for you makes you a man in UO.


And by the way I will say that if I actually did log on any of my reds and enter the field there would be a ton of dead bodies in my wake. I'm not rusty at all.


And by the way I will say that if I actually did log on any of my reds and enter the field there would be a ton of dead bodies in my wake. I'm not rusty at all.
rofl, ok noob. 1v1 5x or 7x anytime you want, lets see your leet skills moron (duel dodge) . P.S. - Please don't respond to this with words on forums. Talk is cheap, I challenge your self proclaimed "greatness" to a duel, yes or no? 5 or 7 , your choice.


well I've waited now for half an hour, seems you've logged out for the night after throwing down such a boast.

Guess I'll just have to see you in the field. Sorry the game isn't working out for you so well since azria, of all people booted you from MALES for cheating, of all things. Maybe you should check that attitude


Now I don't really want to de-rail this suggestion any further than I feel I already have, but I feel it is more important that I take the time to explain the complicated history between myself and this certain player, ''khant-dhuel''

Once apon a time in Sosaria I had a little race with this fellow to see who could get the first legit faction hued ethy skeletal steed on the server. To get one the best method is to farm faction mobs for silver coins. We ended up stepping on eachothers toes, fighting over the spawns, and every time it ended with a pile of his tamers corpses, his alts corpses, and his pets safely tucked away on my boat. He ended up being forced to cheat his way into some faction points so that he could farm his own characters for the silver, which apparently ended up with having him being booted from the guild he was in and further humiliated later on.

At some point semi-recently I noticed that he somehow got added into my guild [SS]. Obviously I knew the second that I saw him in the guild that he would undoubtedly end up trying to screw around with my guild one way or another, but I figured I would let things play out and see what would happen.

Out of nowhere one day I watched as this guy's cheeze totally slipped off it's cracker and he was raging like nobody I've ever seen before at poor azria, literally for about 18 hours straight about all the ways he wanted to kill this person in real life, talking the biggest shit even I've ever seen, and I am definitely no stranger to some shit talk. The way he was being so outrageously violent was appalling to say the least.

Now I had wanted to kick him from the guild for dirtying up my guild chat with his blood clot mouth, but to be honest, I wanted the people in my guild to see exactly what type of person this was, and make their own decisions on weather or not they wanted to be affiliated with that kind of trash. I wanted to clarify this was my intention and that even though me and azria have a special sort of love/hate relationship, that I would never condone that type of over-the-top trash talk in my guild chat regardless of who the target was, if I didn't feel it would be the greater of two evils due to a special circumstance like in this case.

For you see, if I had given him the boot that day and for that reason, he would have simply twisted it around in his mind that I was ''just holding some grudge'' against him and he wouldn't have learned a thing. Eventually after talking shit about me behind my back to a few guildmates, he ended up taking a few of them on a doomed mission to join factions under his leadership. I don't know exactly what happened but now at least one of them is perma-banned for being apparently toxic, and I hate to think what kind of influence that this guy had on that person before he was exiled from the server for apparently all time.

Last night, as soon as this guy challenged me I literally ran to the docks to find him. I was ready and set to beat his head right into the dirt in every possible dueling style and show him that he's not scaring anyone. That nobody should ever feel the need to be in this guys mumble chat, else not be able to fit in or consider themselves ''pvpers'' by his standards. That I don't need the comforts of my unimaginably luxurious house in the field or a bunch of guildmates to hide behind. I went straight up to meet him head on.

But he never came. I waited for over an hour. I was stuck right in the zone waiting to defame this prick and there was even some unexpected collateral damage because of it @U-Haul .. something which I feel incredibly bad about. The point here is, that you can't let shit-eating, cheating scumbags like Khadul get to you, or it will ruin your experience here on UOF. These guys have nothing to contribute to the community except showing the world how fast their moms hand-me-down Pentium 3 processor can calculate poison ticks and spam ALL GUARD.

Anyways I hope that all who have read will take from this that nobody is in control of your experience here on UOF except YOU. Don't make the mistake that I did and be somewhat slightly affected for the first and probably last time by complete garbage like this fool. Whatever your playstyle is, enjoy it. Fuck all the cheaters and fuck all their mamas, and don't ever think that any of them can show you how to have a good time in UO. They are nothing but false masters who will never help you to achieve your true potential if you end up being better than they are. The truth is that they are all afraid to die and will leave you behind to save their own skin.

And if you ever see someone talking about hurting another player in real life, don't be afraid to report a muthafucka.


I lol'ed at accusations of hacking. Again.

God damn. So full of excuses Hanes.

man shut the fuck up already. everyone knows you'll back anybody right to the bitter end so long as they're an enemy of mine. I lol'd at your lack of accomplishments over the last couple years. I lol'd at your post count. I lol'd at how rattled you get every time words get said. You're just lucky you don't even play the game or I'd PK you