WTB Best Vendors on this Server? Your favorites?


Still trying to learn my ropes here.

It seems when i go to look for something, whether it be a mark scroll, a runebook, armor, or a nice sword the vendor i saw the previous day or two that had them is today out of stock. A lot of vendors seem to have titles like OMG RESTOCKED 2/15! and I'm thinking oh lord, that was almost three freaking months ago, for reals?

I'm just gonna ask here what are you guys favorite vendors, and why and most importantly where are they, how do you get there?

I know of the two that are like always gated from Brit bank, goonglow and the gankware place. But what are other good vendor locations that have a good selection of items and also have vendors that are actually stocked once in a while.

where do you all shop? plz don't forget to mention why and where. thnx


Im a little bias here but my vendor house is pretty good .. We restock daily . IRU vendor house first house south of moonglow
Blackbelt's vendor, small marble at about...3 o clock from Trin moongate - good prices, always been stocked when I've gone


Thanks guys. I'm gonna try and find all these places and check them out, don't think I've heard or seen any of them yet. I know i've seen people wearing that Carhart armor quite a bit - well, now I know where to find it!


Do your shopping at Dig'emart!! East and slightly south of the yew moon gate!!! Look for the Dig'emart vendors

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I'm in the process of reviving the Moonglow Tamers Union + Runelibrary mall. I maintain the scribe vendor and keep it stocked, and we're getting new vendors there soon. It's in guard zone protection too, so safe shopping, rune library right there, and i'm also getting dye tubs for everyone's use. The smith and carp vendor is usually stocked up pretty well as well.


Hmm, I think I've used the vendor just south of the West Britain Bridge the most.. and the vendors right next to the Yew bank.

There's just so many vendors around Yew that one of them somewhere is likely to have what you are looking for, even if the price is a little higher then what you might want to pay.