Beginner's Guide to 7x Bard and Gold Making


well you lose the bow and the arrows ..

Also just a note when I hide after a provo it does break the provok on my targets .. ? am I doing something wrong then.. ?
No, I have GM hiding on my bard and if I hide (or cast invis) after I provo a group it breaks after 4 or 5 seconds.

As far as I know you must remain visible and within a certain range of your provo'd targets, or else provo will break.


Unless they chabged something using the hide skill will not break provo. Casting invissy will.

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I've tested this many times, hiding will break your provo. I've tried it in and out of war mode.
It would be awesome if you could hide after provo and it didn't break. That way you wouldn't attract any other monsters, and PK's rolling up on you would have to reveal you.

If someone has a way to hide without breaking provo, please test and let me know how you did it. If it works, I'm immediately getting stealth on my bard.


I've tested this many times, hiding will break your provo. I've tried it in and out of war mode.
It would be awesome if you could hide after provo and it didn't break. That way you wouldn't attract any other monsters, and PK's rolling up on you would have to reveal you.

If someone has a way to hide without breaking provo, please test and let me know how you did it. If it works, I'm immediately getting stealth on my bard.
I was wondering why you guys wanted to hide while farming. Spawn shouldn't be an issue as you can just provo them on the gang bang you already got going. So.. you want to farm hidden so PKs won't kill you? The things you kids come up with these days :)


Silly question.... does type of armor matter? For instance, some need to wear leather, some wear those sporty "dex suits". IS there something a bard should wear, or is limited to wearing?

I've never attempted a bard before... I can't carry a tune :p


Silly question.... does type of armor matter? For instance, some need to wear leather, some wear those sporty "dex suits". IS there something a bard should wear, or is limited to wearing?

I've never attempted a bard before... I can't carry a tune :p

I run around nekked all the time :D works just fine since I mainly use archery. The RA,MR works perfect when you need it


You can certainly run around naked and succeed. Personally, I look at from the perspective that if I wear armor I have more protection from monsters, PKs, etc. If you are just starting out maybe you don't need to worry about wearing armor, carrying pots, trapped pouches, or a weapon suitable for defense; but as people start gunning for you in your favorite spots it becomes an extra layer of protection that you may come to appreciate.


Great job, Iceman, thank you! But it really dark, with no magery... I scared! :(
Someone hold my hand!


Great build :D really easy to train, and the guide is super clear and understandable too. Working on my first char on this server after a long, long break from UO.

Y'all who are having trouble dealing with the clusterfuck that is the bard's room, I discovered an alternative the other day. GM'd provo overnight, and you could probably train archery like this too (supervised, its health bar goes down slowly but it does go down so incorporate a macro unequiping and equiping the bow for some time to wait for its health to return).

If you take the main road out of trinsic and just follow the path on the northwest end of the town, there's a bridge/tower construction with a bunch of ettins/ogres/trolls. Kill a few, they're easy, and a paragon will spawn. Kite the paragon ettin to this area right here, it's north and somewhat west between Britain and Trinsic (look up where the hedge maze is). It took me 10 minutes or so of leading it around and it moves pretty fast. You can see the entrance to the maze in the corner in the photo, kite the paragon behind the hedge and macro your provo on it.

Alternatively, you could find a paragon ettin or ogre in the nearby forest though that's alittle trickier.

Didn't have to deal with any PKs or spawns and this ettin paragon is still there probably. Hopefully this post won't change that too much haha.View attachment 4700


Thank you so much for helpful guide. I made a char with this guide as following;

Anathomy : 100
Archery : 100
Healing : 74 (will be 100)
Magery : 72 (will be 100
Musicianship : 100
Provocation : 100
Tactics : 100

And stats 75/100/50

So, i really own melee mobs(earth eles etc.), and make kind of lots of money for me. But when i try to engage with high end mobs (drakes, dragons, titans etc) with magic they own me.
What should i do about high tier mobs.


Thank you so much for helpful guide. I made a char with this guide as following;

Anathomy : 100
Archery : 100
Healing : 74 (will be 100)
Magery : 72 (will be 100
Musicianship : 100
Provocation : 100
Tactics : 100

And stats 75/100/50

So, i really own melee mobs(earth eles etc.), and make kind of lots of money for me. But when i try to engage with high end mobs (drakes, dragons, titans etc) with magic they own me.
What should i do about high tier mobs.

I have the same issue but you just learn to use your character to the max. What I mean is that by having magery, use Magic reflect. When you come across a group of three mobs, pull bars as soon as you can and provo the weaker ones onto stronger mobs so you don't end up failing. Also try using your provo hot key and attack closest grey while running. For example
Alt+F1 = provo hot key
F1= Target closest grey
Use provo skill (Alt+F1)
Run as close as you can to target A (Press F1)
Run as close as you can to target B (Press F1)
And there you have it. If fast enough you can do this without getting hit but a lot of higher end mobs do insta aggro but that is where MR really shines :D
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Thanks for this! Excited to be back playing UO and even more excited to have found a great bard guide within moments.


Silly question.... does type of armor matter? For instance, some need to wear leather, some wear those sporty "dex suits". IS there something a bard should wear, or is limited to wearing?

I've never attempted a bard before... I can't carry a tune :p

Honestly dude I just use whatever leather armor I loot. After awhile of running this tune you shouldn't get killed by any monsters. If you are dead set on using armor, a cheapo set of leather studded armor will do fine, or barbed if you can afford it. Someone said already, you can run naked.. the beauty of UO but I just don't like the look haha.

As far as hiding goes, it's just an extremely valuable skill to have if you have no gold to train magery. I still use hiding over magery. As far as PKs, once you learn UO these guys are more vermon then threats haha (especially if you have an alt pvper parked somewhere). However, having hiding will easily give you a huge advantage in places like khaldun because you can immedietly dump all agro from pvm and heal up or swap the agro threat to the PK. I don't care how good the PK is.. a flamestrike is a flamestrike and a poison is a poison :p

And someone said something about resist as well. The point of this template is to provo monsters AGAINST each other. The only characters I have resist on are my pvp characters. You should NOT be taking any kind of damage. To me it's a huge waste of a 100.0 skill points. The only other reason to have resist would be PVP, and in the event of PvP (PKs) you should just have a pvp characer, whom will have resist, parked close by or ready to recall in.
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Thank you so much for helpful guide. I made a char with this guide as following;

So, i really own melee mobs(earth eles etc.), and make kind of lots of money for me. But when i try to engage with high end mobs (drakes, dragons, titans etc) with magic they own me.
What should i do about high tier mobs.

You just really need to learn how to drag the monsters around to each other, or kite, then provo them on to each other. Timing is key. Stay out of range of their spells the best you can, and if you are getting owned then heal up and kite them again. I know dragons can be tricky but I can easily kill a dragon on my archer without provoking it to anything else. The trick is 'lancing' it. It just takes practice mans but I promise I use this template and have killed pretty much everything in the game with ease.

If you feel you absolutely need resist, again the beauty of UO is you are able to customize your character to your specific needs.