WTS A Bloody Talon's Relic - SOLD


No one seems to do that, i had to pay 8m For mine and guildies dropped TWO while i was looking For one. In The meantime i sold a QS to a guildy For less than what i paid For bloody.

Bunch of greedy fucks


No one seems to do that, i had to pay 8m For mine and guildies dropped TWO while i was looking For one. In The meantime i sold a QS to a guildy For less than what i paid For bloody.

Bunch of greedy fucks

$ guild does sell to guildies at half price . But unless you going to pull a @SicknTwistedGamr , he bascially bought 4 qs , 4 molten 4 bloody from us at half the market price and called us scumbags after he left $ guild . He then resold pets for a profit and claimed its DIRT cheap !

worse of all , he didnt even track for any of the RDAs . Its a joke really !

But back to topic ! Free BUMP FOR A GREAT RELIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all meta steed owners need a bloody relic ! PvPeter is a great guy ! I am sure he will work out something for his guildies if they really need the relic !


Lol all I do is sell shit to guildies for stupid discounts but it comes around and people hook me up when I need itzzz but Peter is a good dude and has sold many things for very cheapzzzz in TS lollo

