2022 Halloween Decoration Contest
The Halloween season is upon us! We are ready to see some spooky house designs created by the players.
The Halloween season is upon us! We are ready to see some spooky house designs created by the players.
1. Deadline for submission is October 31st, 11:59PM PST (November 1rst 2:59AM EST/1:59 AM CST/12:59 AM MST). Anything posted after the deadline will be disqualified. (Even if it's late by a second, do NOT be late!)
2. Post all of your screenshots in this thread. Only post contest submissions in this thread.
3. One house per player! Do not try to sneak in side by side houses.
4. Do not enter the same decoration design from previous years or copy from a website. Any house designed by a staff member is not eligible to win. Must be completely player built/designed.
5. This is a decoration contest, having a house designed to fit your theme is good, but some form of Halloween decoration is a must.
6. Post the (X,Y) Coordinates of your house in your post. We will visit each one in person on judgment day. If we can not visit your house, then we can not judge it.
7. WE WILL BE JUDGING ALL AREAS OF THE HOUSE! Utilize your space to the best of your ability.
8. We will only judge actual houses. Islands will not be considered. (Houses placed on islands are ok, as long as staff hasn't had a hand in designing it)
a few tips for success
Have a theme/story to your entry. Example: Pirate themed, dark and gory, and other themes from pop culture. You can also choose to tell a story with the decor. Whatever tickles your fancy! Just make sure it's Halloween related!
Use your space wisely! We judge based off of the ENTIRE house. not just one area. If an area seems to be lacking in sections it will hurt your score. The same is true for over doing it. It will hurt your score if it looks like a box of random Halloween deco exploded all over your house. Quantity<Quality
Small details can make a big impact. Creative use of ordinary items in ways not normally used can easily impress the judges.

1rst- 10k Dono, Golden Skeleton Pumpkin and Hallowed Book of the Undead. (2153 Iridescent Peacock, blessed silver slayer spellbook)
2nd - Sliver Skeleton Pumpkin and 5k Dono
3rd - Bronze Skeleton Pumpkin and 2.5k Dono