120 TAMING PS 11M on POWER vendors (2 screens west yew mg) - thanks werkt
P.s. is POWER attempting to be relevant again or wut?
do you still believe that anyone cares about being relevant in a game?YEA WERKT YA FUCKIN JERKTS
P.s. is POWER attempting to be relevant again or wut?
I think the attention grabbing thread title that thanks a group of players for whatever loot was attained speaks for you still believe that anyone cares about being relevant in a game?
seriously though. lol
it's a selling thread.I think the attention grabbing thread title that thanks a group of players for whatever loot was attained speaks for itself.
Shit's childish and screams look at me look at me. It's nothing new.
Yes Hanesboi we know our own kind when we see them don't we?
Only one of us has anything worth looking at in this game though so I mean...I suppose if you are going to have that kind of attitude you should walk the walk and not just talk the talk?
You are ignorant. What made you try to get unban, niggatron?
What do you even get out of playing here? lolol