i don't think you are reading the title right
maybe it is too long and gets cut off on your screen?
his just being polite
i don't think you are reading the title right
maybe it is too long and gets cut off on your screen?
Loooooool I need to see this. Bromista grill a fatty?
Actual pic of my wife
No I didn't post a pic of my wife, she'd want no part of it she thinks this game and the people that play it are stupid.
P.s. @Lexington you think I forgot about ya?
Lol if you wanna be that greedy, just play poker.No one shit on anyone. That's gross. We basically both did the spawn with other blues as well and he got the better scroll. They only killed some of us still hanging around looting gold (my dumb fault getting overweight even after a strength pot).