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  1. Alan

    DOTU 2/22/2014 Scores

    Sorted by Player Damage Sorted by Aggregate Crafting Skill Sorted by Elemental Damage...
  2. Alan

    Zombie Event Scores

    Sorry for the delay. The scores have been tabulated. Rewards will be distributed in the next couple hours. Got the cure: Famara Tonycakes Babethoven Gore Sync Bump Uncle Scrooge Ruby' Messremb STEEL PANTHER Infused Hiroshima Dugar Sunny Black Stanky Panky Ares The Goddess X-Raided a sneaky...
  3. Alan

    Gargoyle Alchemists Scouring Dungeons

    It appears that some gargoyle alchemists have appeared, apparently doing research in Britannia's dungeons! WARNING: Be very careful around these creatures! They are very deadly! They don't take kindly to pets either. It appears that they are appearing in an unpredictable fashion throughout...
  4. Alan

    DOTU Scores

    (DOTU event description here) Summary of the results: Aggregate Crafting Skill 1st Kubar 315.02 2nd Loitering 301.43 3rd Tristanna Tyrial 296.66 Turret / Factory Damage 1st Famara 2620 2nd Tpain 1794 3rd Kaidou 1536 Life Essence Damage 1st Famara 625 2nd Kaidou 519 3rd Pat.O 407 Player...
  5. Alan

    Orc Rift Scores

    We will be giving trophies for the top players in the different categories some time... though it might be after the expansion. Player scores, sorted by orc damage: Player scores, sorted by...
  6. Alan

    Tonight 10pm EST! Faction Brazier Control Event

    Tonight we will having a special event for all factioners: On top of West Brit Bank, there is a Brazier. I know you are worried about the snowman, but fear not, he is made of fake snow! The objective is to take over and defend the brazier. Only factioners can participate. Here's how it...
  7. Alan

    Turkey Damage Scores

    Top 3 players can page in for a piece of turkey armor of their choice. Whoshotcha 71643 RanAl Thor 49015 Sazbawt 30335 Strandedness 27692 Brad 27326 Confrontation 25997 KiCharlemagne 23281 lndianJones 21897 Cordelia 19470 Mookey 18655 XXP 15988 Ason Drakus 14865 TriXa 14325 Kilem N'Jarem 13089...
  8. Alan

    Survival Event Rewards Have Been Distributed

    They were placed in your bank. Beware, none of the rewards are blessed by default. The rewards were as follows: First 3 players to get the cure: named hued Silver Spellbook Everybody who found the cure: "The Cure", an item which, when in your backpack, makes any weapon you are holding...
  9. Alan

    Late Night CTF Scores
