So the day has finally come where it is time to hang up the lock-picks, lock the doors and leave Sosaria, potentially for the last time. I say potentially, we all know how this goes, we leave and take a long break and decide a few months down the road that we wish to revisit old stomping grounds, re-establish communication with friends and begin the cycle once more.
The last twelve months has been incredibly tough for me and three days ago something else happened which pretty much dwarfed everything else that took place previously. This has spurred me on to reevaluate my position in this life, my duty as a human being and as a father which unfortunately, pleasure gaming has been completely eradicated to make room for something more. We have all been through times in our life where things have become seriously difficult to comprehend and handle but everyone handles things differently to the next person.
I would like to thank the staff here for creating a masterpiece of a server, for being persistent through the hard times and generally creating an experience that can not be forgotten, you guys have really done a fantastic job and I expect this server to be here for years to come. Honestly, well done you have my gratitude.
A giant shout out goes to all the players who call this place their home, without the many who have come and gone throughout the years, there would never have been a server such as this. You guys have also contributed to the continuing success of UOForever be that in a positive or negative way and regardless, you all deserve a pat on the back. EQMS guys, keep doing what you do best, I might have clashed on many occasions with you lot but credit is due where it is deserved, you have made things interesting to say the least, no hard feelings but quite understandable if there is *suck it up newbs!*
For friends I have met on here over the years, I salute you, I was going to list you all but I realised that I might forget someone so for this reason alone, good luck to you all and thank you for making the whole experience worthwhile.
My personal *in-game* belongings have been passed onto someone else and my two houses have been left under the care of the same individual, it is completely their choice if they wish to let them decay or not, but I will not be refreshing them anymore so good luck on the potential IDOC if they decide to go on a break. I will visit the forums from time to time but that is about the most I will do.
The last thing I will say to end this mini wall of text would be to everyone who plays here to think carefully how you chat with each other, especially regarding disagreements. You all play the same game, brush shoulders with each other on a regular basis and obviously have the same interests, don't be a me and let yourself down when your emotions run high, you really don't know what is just waiting around the next corner and if something happens to someone you can not go back on what you have said.
And that is that, I wish you all the best for the future so take care guys and good luck!
The last twelve months has been incredibly tough for me and three days ago something else happened which pretty much dwarfed everything else that took place previously. This has spurred me on to reevaluate my position in this life, my duty as a human being and as a father which unfortunately, pleasure gaming has been completely eradicated to make room for something more. We have all been through times in our life where things have become seriously difficult to comprehend and handle but everyone handles things differently to the next person.
I would like to thank the staff here for creating a masterpiece of a server, for being persistent through the hard times and generally creating an experience that can not be forgotten, you guys have really done a fantastic job and I expect this server to be here for years to come. Honestly, well done you have my gratitude.
A giant shout out goes to all the players who call this place their home, without the many who have come and gone throughout the years, there would never have been a server such as this. You guys have also contributed to the continuing success of UOForever be that in a positive or negative way and regardless, you all deserve a pat on the back. EQMS guys, keep doing what you do best, I might have clashed on many occasions with you lot but credit is due where it is deserved, you have made things interesting to say the least, no hard feelings but quite understandable if there is *suck it up newbs!*
For friends I have met on here over the years, I salute you, I was going to list you all but I realised that I might forget someone so for this reason alone, good luck to you all and thank you for making the whole experience worthwhile.
My personal *in-game* belongings have been passed onto someone else and my two houses have been left under the care of the same individual, it is completely their choice if they wish to let them decay or not, but I will not be refreshing them anymore so good luck on the potential IDOC if they decide to go on a break. I will visit the forums from time to time but that is about the most I will do.
The last thing I will say to end this mini wall of text would be to everyone who plays here to think carefully how you chat with each other, especially regarding disagreements. You all play the same game, brush shoulders with each other on a regular basis and obviously have the same interests, don't be a me and let yourself down when your emotions run high, you really don't know what is just waiting around the next corner and if something happens to someone you can not go back on what you have said.
And that is that, I wish you all the best for the future so take care guys and good luck!