Faytality - UOF's most famous house designer


I have seen many *insert dirty joke here*...Yours is one of the finest .


All jokes aside you did a fantastic job decorating the house, keep up the good work and happy to hear there is still some honest/good people left not many people you can trust handing over your 30x30 & all your rares.

Would be really nice to see you create a thread and take pics of all the houses you've created for others so far, good advertisement and to show your potential customers of your well earned trust.

Ps Nice house @SirLothar


Dayam @Faytality

These are friggin sick. If I ever get a nice large plot I will definitely be asking you for your services. Hopefully you are still in business then. Thing about services like this is that sometimes the designers just disappear so this could be a very limited time offer to get a badass design with no work involved.

Lady Macbeth

@Faytality , would u mind to share some tips on customizing houses? I have a very difficult time doing mine cuz when u in customization mode, u can't place furniture around to have a visual. Moreover, every time to commit costs 10k. It's not a lot but for someone like me who doesn't have much imagination and very visual... The committing fees can add up!

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