Will someone clear up champ spawns?

I just need to know exactly what spawns are in game. There is no real, definitive, information on champs. Thanks in advance.


Despise : repond slayer : champ barracoon
Deceit: silver slayer: champ neira
Theratan: Aracnid (and elemental ban for poison ele) champ Mephitis
Abyss (near fire daemon temple) Exorcism slayer: champ Semidar
Wrong: Fey slayer : champ Lord oaks (must have good karma for work this well..so not much reds come on this)
Destard: Reptilian slayer : champ rikktor

Covetous4: new level-new champ -> corpse devourer (silver exocrism slayer)

if you need some runebook library for champs spawn, pm me.-

see you in champs!:)