where is the egor vs hunter argument thread??

Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
The original thread was deleted at the request of the OP, Egor. He asked to have it removed so he could make a new one.
The latest thread is there but all of the posts made that had nothing to do with bidding, selling, etc. were removed and Hunter got a 3 day ban. The rules on sell threads are clear and now there is an auto 3-day ban for repeated offenders. I get they were funny, but if they're allowed to break the selling thread rules then everyone should be allowed to and well, no.

Their fans might encourage they make a post in the PvP section. However, they will be held to the same rules of the forums.


Omg my nerdgasm comment is there and everything haha.

That was one of my finest pieces of foruming I've ever done here. Thanks for keeping the dream alive @aIck


haha what a classic thread

"he most greedy man ever seen before" -Hunter

"I do not like only one person - and that's one rat -- Hunter homosexual :D:D

he is young and jealous." -Egor