Where do these spawn?



Non-shipwreck individual skulls labeled "skull", and non-shipwreck bone labeled "bone".

On other servers they usually spawn on Zombies so I killed about 500 zombies and have seen what their random bone pile drops are, and none of those bone pile variations include the above "skull" or "bone". Is it a discontinued spawn or is there a specific monster that drops these? I wanted to decorate for Halloween using a lot of these individual pieces as opposed to the connected piles.


They don't, they were donation items.

Ah man, on OSI they spawn on zombies, and players would get the vet reward banner deed and dye it jet black and manually with the interior decorator tool raise the common zombie drop skull & bones items to look like the jolly roger, didn't know it was a 1 piece dono item here heh, lots of differences I have to learn about.


Oh your referring to the bones and skulls i thought you meant the flag overall. I believe you can get the skulls and bone from sos hunts



Non-shipwreck individual skulls labeled "skull", and non-shipwreck bone labeled "bone".

Not sure bout the banner but I think the mob u want for the bones and bone piles are on giant snakes not sure about the skulls


You can get the bones from fishing up mibs. Also giant serpents drop bones

Ok I'll kill some giant serpents and try to get some.

Oh your referring to the bones and skulls i thought you meant the flag overall. I believe you can get the skulls and bone from sos hunts

Yeah I have a gm fisherman but the ratio for a skull drop is pretty low, so to get skulls I used to kill zombies as it was a really common drop, and the individual bone pieces don't drop from an SOS but thanks.


Well, I have killed giant serpents on here before, and I did again today, but I'm seeing the same drop chances as on other shards but not the same as OSI. On OSI there was a wider range of bone parts players could easily get for decoration purposes. I decorated my house with 100+ individual skulls for example, I don't think this is possible on here, without grinding on SOSs for many months. Also I was looking for the non-SOS bone pieces. Here's what commonly drops on monsters on OSI.


skull, bone (left, right), bone pile (left, right) 4 different kinds, bone shards (left, right), jaw bone (left, right), pelvis bone (left, right), rib cage (left, right), spine (left, right).

On OSI it was very easy to get the above skull and the left and right bone pieces, and I've seen these drop zero times on UOF, again I'm not talking about shipwrek items, but to include shipwreck items, the bone left & right, spine left & right, jaw bone left & right are some that never spawned on shipwrecks.


So on OSI I'd go to any graveyard with zombies and I'd kill 10 zombies and easily find the above. From what I've killed on here so far I see the same drop as other non-OSI shards and that drop doesn't seem to include the above excepting the left & right bone piles and the left & right ribcage.


The "Bone" that drops here isn't the same as "bone" (left & right), it's "Bone" the stackable reagent and never has a reversed graphic.


UOF giant serpent drops, never including "bone", "jaw bone", "skull", etc, same item drop selection as a UOF zombie.


Exactly the same drop item selection as a giant serpent, the bone piles left & right, the body parts left & right, ribcage left & right, the "Bone" reagent.

Was just looking for the "skull" and left, right "bone" pieces, saw them on a neighbor's house and thought it was a common drop here, but I guess the origins of my neighbor's "skull" and "bone" are a mystery, maybe he got them off a rare monster? I'll have to kill every monster and check it out, I just really like the individual bone pieces for house decoration purposes, it'd be cool to make a pile of skulls out of individual skulls, and pulling up SOSs is pretty tedious, I've found 3 skulls from it so far and it isn't the drop rate on SOSs that's a problem it's the water elemental and deep water elemental that spawns at every single SOS that results in a very slow SOS farming rate, 100% of the time the water elemental and deep water elemental appear on the ship and I have to get used to this, I'm use to the monsters appearing oustide the ship during a failed attempt at fishing up the sunken treasure chest.