Web Based UO Clone?


New Member
Hey all, I am a programmer by trade, and have been thinking about making a web-based UO style game for quite some time.

There are games such as http://www.deadfrontier.com/ where they do far more graphically than UO ever did, all in-browser.

I had UO pre-order, I still have the original cloth map and pewter pin, I love this game. I also love programming and innovation. My idea as it stands is to start with making a pure UO clone, all based on NodeJS and possibly Ember.js. From there evolving it to some new ideas, like the buildings 'downtown' in the various cities being purchasable. No more random vendor cities in the middle of no-where, vendors where they belong, downtown.

But really my goal for it would be a fun, web-based game, which you don't need to run a VM just to play because it's 15+ years old. Anyone down? Ideas?


that would be fantastic! if you really start it let me know i'm interested in learning how you did it!

I remember I saw something already implemented but can't find anymore the link...