WTS Village of Paws Sales Thread

Blaine the Gypsy

Brit Gate and Tavern Restock

Exceptional / Vanquishing Crossbow - 13,000gp
Exceptional / Vanquishing Bow - 13,000gp
Exceptional / Vanquishing Quarter Staff - 13,000gp

Blaine the Gypsy

Brit Gate and Tavern Restock
Gold Runic Special - 28,000gp
Agapite Runic Special - 70,000gp

Exceptional / Vanquishing Crossbow - 13,000gp
Exceptional / Vanquishing Bow - 13,000gp
Exceptional / Vanquishing Quarter Staff - 13,000gp

Blaine the Gypsy

Brit Gate and Tavern Restock
Gold Runic Special (Katanas/Warforks) - 28,000gp (originally 30k)
Agapite Runic Weapon Special - 70,000gp (originally 90k)
Exceptional / Vanquishing Crossbow - 13,000gp
Exceptional / Vanquishing Bow - 13,000gp
Exceptional / Vanquishing Quarter Staff - 13,000gp

Blaine the Gypsy

Brit Gate
Gold Runic Special (Katanas/Warforks) - 28,000gp (originally 30k)
Agapite Runic Weapon Special - 70,000gp (originally 90k)
Exceptional / Vanquishing Crossbow - 13,000gp
Exceptional / Vanquishing Bow - 13,000gp
Exceptional / Vanquishing Quarter Staff - 13,000gp

Blaine the Gypsy

Brit Gate
Added More Gold Weapons for 25k (Sale still on)
Yew Gate
Exceptional / Vanquishing Bow & Composite Bow - 13k
Exceptional / Power Bow - 8k
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