Uthrom's Smith BOD Repository


Due to reasons i do not wish to discuss here, i'm trying to determine what i'm going to do with my BOD collection. Listed below is my current smith BOD collection. Right now, it'll start collecting dust. I'm debating if I want to moth ball this collection, toss it into the bin or sell it.

Besides the known list of bods in the image below, which is around 95% accurate, i've got 3 books of additional colored bods for shields, helms of all colors up to Verite and both exceptional and non-exceptional.

This is a classic Price Check - What do y'all think this is worth?



Trying to assess vs the tower of roses bod rewards - I rarely do more than trading in bods so the following are purely my own opinions on what I would value the collection at:

Dull Copper - Chance at an anvil (hard to sell but valuable) and some bronze hammer rewards. Also some ASH hammers which could be useful to a smith in reducing failure on plate bods. 20x Small BODs could also be turned in for a chance at mining gloves or powder of fort - both do sell over time.

Taking into account ingot costs vs 100% rewards (anvil is a nice attraction but far from a sure thing) 250-350k for these.

Shadow - Another anvil chance and some bronze hammers from the ringmail deeds. ASH hammer from the 20x - 115 scrolls from the rest. +15 ASH and +20 scroll from the plate with a few additional. 200-300k for these.

Copper - Nice potential rewards from 10x ringmail in bronze hammers and +10 ASH from the 20x. Chainmail is always a let down for me - 115 scroll has little value and has been declining - +15 ASH appeals to me as a smith though. Platemail - this is where the money is - +20 smith scrolls and gold hammer rewards if the missing pieces can be acquired. 500-600k.

Bronze - Ringmail rewards not great for this one - +10 ASH potential being worth the most imo. Chainmail is much more attractive with only a few BODs missing to complete a +15 ASH and a +20 Scroll - 200-350k

Gold - Not the best rewards for ringmail unless a smith who really values +15 ASH - although there are 6 small bod that could be turned in for an anvil chance. Chain - 1 away from a +20 scoll and if I am reading right a gold hammer just waiting to be claimed with mutliples of some small bods. Plate - Quite a few to collect to finish any one large deed - +20 smalls giving a potential agapite hammer ave value. 1 - 1.5m given the gold hammer just waiting.

Agapite - Quite a few to collect in all catagories - 20x ring offers a +20 scroll - 10/15 depend on buys value of ASH hammers vs the cost to fill with agapite ingots - 15x small could also be turned in for an anvil chance. Chain is again dependant on how much a buyer values +30 ASH hammer - 10/15 have a great reward but are a long way from complete. Plate has value in 2 agapite hammer large bods and a few smalls. 300 - 500k - great potential rewards in some areas but will require time and investment to see returns. +20 smalls could be turned in for bronze hammers so there is immediate value here too.

Verite - Now the reward start getting really nice - +20 scrolls and gold hammers from the ringmail. Chain offers +30 ASH. Plate is the star with 2 verite hammer large bods and a 50% complete collection of small deeds. 10/15x small deeds can also be turned in for bronze hammers immediately. 1.5-2.5m

Valorite - Val and gold hammer small deeds - +30 ASH value vary a bit - 250-500k depending how much someone needs that val hammer small.

All in based on potential rewards I would say an easy 2-4m to a serious collector. It is a nice collection and I imagine it took a long time to get. A serious buyer will have to invest some time into completing the BODs but the rewards allow for quite a large profit in my opinion.


i just sold 800+ bods and they all sold for less than 1.4 mil, in the bods was worth over 4-5 mil on top of the rewards, so dont sell your collection piece it out


Hey Uthrom! If you're willing to sell individually. I'd love to buy off some of your BS BODs! <3