UOF iPhone App


Hey everyone... well, long story short - I do web development on the side, and I want to expand my IT toolbelt into mobile apps, as some of my clients have requested them. The only problem, I've never developed an iPhone app (well, I have, but it was in college and never went public)! I would like to consider myself a decent developer, but I need to develop a simple app and push it on the app store - just so I can get my feet wet with Apples process and general coding of Objective C. I was thinking, I want my first app to be something simple, fun, and that would provoke me to stay with it. And that's when I came to the idea of making an App for UOF.

So that's where you guys come in! I need help with the general idea and workflow of the app, this is my prelim design:

A 4 tabbed mobile application, with the following:
Tab 1: Welcome Screen / General connection info and external links to website, forums.
Tab 2: UOF Guide (gaining skills and a list of some of the different systems in UOF to other servers).
Tab 3: Tie-in to MyUOF, so you could browse for players, directly from the app.
Tab 4: PvP Game - a simple button game where you "counter" an AI bot to hone your PvP skills (if the bot casts Explosion, you hit the "interupt," button, etc).

I think all ideas are on the table, except... just realize my skills are minimal at best, right now, with iPhone development, so extremely complex ideas (ie: "manage vendors from iPhone app") are most likely not going to be feasible...

Thanks! Excited to hear your suggestions!
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Please! Not sure if its too much but id love to be able to get the forum IRC chat on my iphone. Love the idea, always need more UO :)


What about a UOF interactable map? Imagine an app like Google Maps, but it was just the UOF world with popular pinpoints and such, where you could scroll around the world, search for vendor shops, etc?


Please! Not sure if its too much but id love to be able to get the forum IRC chat on my iphone. Love the idea, always need more UO :)

IRC on mobile have usually been pretty terrible experience. Even using proper mobile IRC clients so I can't even imagine how bad could some forum IRC be on mobile. And tbh the current IRC network is not enough user-friendly for such as you kinda have to log in to use the network. You can't chat, if you don't identify yourself first. That's weird to me. The idea is good though. Have you tried IRCcloud?

Would we be able to play uo off out phones? Dat be cool. Dat be real real cool.

Playing UO with fingers? Ohhh.... Your fingers will get tired as quickly as the chests yield.

What about a UOF interactable map? Imagine an app like Google Maps, but it was just the UOF world with popular pinpoints and such, where you could scroll around the world, search for vendor shops, etc?

That's awesome idea. I saw one shard having such with all the houses visible etc. That would be worth of development.
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This would be pretty cool also

Tab 1: Welcome Screen / General connection info and external links to website, forums.
Tab 2: UOF Guide (WIKI).
Tab 3: Tie-in to MyUOF, so you could browse for players, directly from the app.
Tab 4: Something like SearchUO for vendors


If ILLUSION wants to build this i support it for sure, only thing would be is it would have to be administrated by the Ultima Online Forever Team, and of course giving full credit to Illusion for it, or compensation.

If hes willing to give us full administration of it, we can do this.

Kith kannen

If ILLUSION wants to build this i support it for sure, only thing would be is it would have to be administrated by the Ultima Online Forever Team, and of course giving full credit to Illusion for it, or compensation.

If hes willing to give us full administration of it, we can do this.
Gotta say you guys are an impressive bunch...Ive seen so many Admins crap all over stuff because it wasn't their idea but I see you guys seizing s lot of opportunities and listening to most quality player input.


personally i would be happy with the mobile phone app that lets you access the guild and alliance chat function and lets you see who is online from your guild and alliance