UO forever robe auction


hey all I was doing was giving u a option. seeing if you wanted it and you had to go and be a huge dick about it but its cool someone will pay me what I want for it.

I've give you a real option right now........... 30K donation coins. If you can’t find a better offer this offer is here for you. It is a very generous offer as I only paid 25k for the last one I got and that one was over priced.


you have already put up all that crap what do I care if you remove your posts lol..... and yea some dude offered 35k donation coins I told u 39 caz I wanted 40.............. either way lowest id go is 35K, last auction didn't go through caz he never messaged me back. Then I started working a deal for a castle with the robe and a keep I got. Plus after all this Lexington why do u need it anyways u claim u have 2 of them I think your just hurt that ur a noob and spent your whole pay check on donation coins and 20k just isn't enough. Also reason I didn't message back prob because I am busy almost every day of the week and when I logd on to here I believe there was like 10 messages from you. I don't have time for that.

What are Keeps going for these days?


you have already put up all that crap what do I care if you remove your posts lol..... and yea some dude offered 35k donation coins I told u 39 caz I wanted 40.............. either way lowest id go is 35K, last auction didn't go through caz he never messaged me back. Then I started working a deal for a castle with the robe and a keep I got.

So nice that people PM'd me, since I was the only one selling a castle at that time, and directed me toward this thread.

You're a scammer Wonka. You're lying here, and you lied to me when you PM'd me this:

I have a uo forever robe and a 18x18 I want to trade for castle. Know anyone. Also. Uo robe I was offered 45k donation coins

I told you to sell for 45k coins and come back with the gold because no robe had ever sold for that price on here. That's where it ended.

I normally like to stay out of forum drama, but I've worked damn hard for my good name here, when people PM me asking if I was the person that tried to screw Lex out of a Forever Robe, I figured it was best to speak up.

You 100% sold the robe for 20k dono coins. You then believed you underpriced it so you ignored Lex's PM's, then came up with a magical 39k bid a week later.

Oh no wait. You already admitted that was a lie.

New lie: 35k bid.

Shit. Hard to keep these straight. Apologies.

That's it. Just wanted to clear a few things up.

Karl Sagan

I've give you a real option right now........... 30K donation coins. If you can’t find a better offer this offer is here for you. It is a very generous offer as I only paid 25k for the last one I got and that one was over priced.

Your money and all, but why would you overpay so much? Let this guy sit on his robe, you're the only one who has even put a bid on it and you've gone from 20k to 30k coins needlessly.


Your money and all, but why would you overpay so much? Let this guy sit on his robe, you're the only one who has even put a bid on it and you've gone from 20k to 30k coins needlessly.

Basically a want thing for me... My gut tells me he wasn't going to give it up for less. I did end up buying it for the 30k donations. I would have like to have paid 25 at the most but it's over with now I got to move on.
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Basically a want thing for me... My gut tells me he wasn't going to give it up for less. I did end up buying it for the 30k donations. I would have like to have paid 25 at the most but it's over with now I got to move on.

i would have done no business after the fact.