Um... What happened?


I just started playing the game, created my character and ran into a REALLY nice guy who set me up with a bit of in-game gold to get started as well as some armour and magic weapons .

Server restarted or something(not sure because I had walked away from the PC for a few minutes due to a phone call).

I am able to log back in about an hour later and my character is completely missing? Is this normal?


I heard there was what is called a revert.
A revert means the server goes back in time some because of the lack of a "world save".
You most likely created your account before the revert, and when the server reverted, your stuff went *poof*.

It's okay, expect this kind of thing to happen through the duration of the DDoS attacks.

Welcome to the server. Just hang with us - you'll be glad you did.


No this is something else... I specifically remember seeing at least 1 or 2 "Server is saving..." messages.

I had been playing for a couple hours before I was disconnected.


Sometimes updates with errors don't rear there head untill several hours later and they have to revert to whenever they implemented the change. this one took us several hours back.


Sigh... off to a great start. The player that helped me was amazing. It's too bad all his good deeds were rolled back :(


Server is saving does not necessarily mean where a restart starts from. Some times a older save is required and judging by the posts I'm seeing it looks like it's a somewhat older save.


Hey Karl, my name is Sercruse in-game as well. I'm a fencing character. I wasn't really creating this thread as a way to look for [more] handouts or anything but after the awesome experience I had this morning, having it all ripped out from under me was a bit jarring.

If you want to meet up in game sometime, I'm open to it. I wish I could remember the guy that I met so that I could give him some credit here. He gave me 5k gold, a rune book for all the cities, a bunch of magic weapons, a full set of armour and even a horse. It was an amazing experience of generosity and kindness that you don't typically see in games like UO so it really gave me a feeling of welcome to the new server.

At any rate, shoot me a PM if you want to hang out, for the next little while I'll be hanging out around Britain training my newbie skills in the dungeon and surrounding areas.


You should check out the noobie chest northeast of Britain Bank. There's gotta be something in there, it's always full when I try and offload stuff in there.