True Fire Story


Scrolls. You shouldn't easily be able to cast something that does assloads of damage, poisons things, and runs them down without a little effort.

Bilb Ono

I just cast EV 100 times to check and got 49 casts and 51 fizzles so it's really about 50%. The longest consecutive number of fizzles was 6
Wow what a good and smart way to quantify that game mechanic, you are so fucking smart. All these people whining are retards? yeah a little bit! If you dont want to fizzle something that shouldnt be so OP in the first place maybe just buy some scrolls? yeaaaah

Ledz Epplin

"Scrolls. You shouldn't easily be able to cast something that does assloads of damage, poisons things, and runs them down without a little effort."

Mages are supposed to be glass cannons. In a fight the only protection we have is what we cast. If we can not cast something that is not reliable more than 3 in 10 times, what good is it? A Mage's job is to be an expert caster, not to read scrolls. Anyhow, EV's are only reliable in pvm anyhow, unlike say Dragons.

Imagine all the QQ's if Tamers Dragons could be dispelled and took 6 or 7 times to cast in order to get them back and then could be dispelled again and then everyone said hey, you need to purchase the ability to call your dragons effectively from a scribe?