WTS Trinsic Moongate Cheap Goods - (World Travel Complete)


Afternoon everyone!!! So it looks like my business travel is complete for a bit. I've literally been over the world for the last few weeks, as such, my lovely little vendor has been a bit under stocked. The good news to all my loyal customers, I've done a Massive Bow Restock. This means, my little vendor in the Trinsic Moongate is up today. I've got all the arrows and bolts restocked, and managed to find a few SS too. Bows are Completely restocked, have super slayers stocked. I also wanted to let everyone know that the prices for Slayers is being adjusted (in favor of my loyal supporters). Please see Current Supplies at the small Vendor at the Trinsic Moongate! Now you can grab the below within site of the Trinsic Moongate. Vendor mall directly (game) south of the gate names "Arrows+SS+Slayer" (also - arrows are restocked again). The only sad news is I've not been able to add more maps or smith weaps. I've only just begun to rehunt again and well, say thank you to the PKs, i think they're watching everytime i get a map. :D

I've loaded it with the following (and don't expect the maps to last long at all)

Arrows/Bolts = 1800 for 500 (i will keep these stocked regularly) or 3500 for 1000 (restocked)

Map Prices when available (These go fast so just leaving the current price list here)
Plainly Drawn Tmap (several) = 500/ea
Expertly Drawn Tmap (several) = 1250/ea
Adeptly Drawn Tmap (several) = 2500/ea
Cleverly Drawn Tmap (several) = 5000/ea
Added: Deviously Drawn Tmap = 7000

Current Slayers : Updated Prices and Stock (unless other wise stated - bows are GM Exceptional)
Silver Super Slayers @ 6,000 each

Super Slayers @ 8000 each
Fey Slayer - 3 in stock <== Now just 2500 for these
Exorcism -
Elemental Ban -
Reptilian Death (great on Dragons) -
Repond -

High End Slayers @ 5-6,000 each
Deamon Dismal
Dragon Slayer
Spiders Death < == 3000 now

Good Slayers @ 3-4,000 each
Blood Drinker
Elemental Health
Ophidian <=== now 1500
Summer Wind (very good for clearing out ICE) - non are selling, will discontinue stocking
Terrathan <=== now 1500

Basic Slayers @ 1000 to 2,000 each
Orc Slaying, Ogre Thrashing
Earth Shatter - removed - value isn't there. tried it out, and decided not worth the stocking. (pm if ever want 'em and we'll work a price)

Bargain Slayers@ 1000 each
Ogre Thrashing
Gargoyles Foe
GM Non-Exceptional Bows Available:
Silver, Repond and Dragon Slayer @ 1000 each (accidentally marked as 1000 and too lazy to correct right now)
Ogre, Ogre, Balron, Demon @ 1000 or cheaper.

Silver Weaps Restocked - Most under 1000 (all in separate bag)

Skill Scrolls (when stocked - y'all are clearin me out regularly):
Insciption = 4000/ea
Blacksmithing = 7000/ea
Fishing = 1500
Tailoring = 5000
Mining = 1000
Wrestling = 100
fencing = 100
peacemaking = 1500
Alchemy = 7500
Provocation = 4000
Fletching = 2500

I do plan on adding more scrolls, and trying to keep 'em below market value mainly to drive people to my friends vendors as well as mine. For those not reading the top - head to Trinsic Moongate. Vendor house directly south. Mine has yellow hair, blue sash and cloak


Just wanted folks that normally come to my vendor - i've done a massive restock. Lots of SS, bows are refreshed, some new silvers, and a few maps.