Trading for/Buying BS Bods


I need the follow BS bods:
10x exceptional copper ringmail gloves and legs
20x exceptional bronze chainmail legs

I have some colored sbods to trade, most notably 20x exceptional shadow plate sbods and 10x exceptional copper plate sbods which are for lbods that gives 120 bs powerscroll. Will only trade these for the bronze chain legs sbods. Also have gold chain, some dc plate, and copper ringmail sbods as well. PM me if interested. would rather trade than buy and/or sell.
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thanks but i did check there. first place i checked actually after you posted. found one bod i needed for blacksmith but didn't have the other stuff. Thanks though. you have very good vendors.
Thanks, not sure how often he stocks the BS Bods, but I'll try and catch the owner tonight and have a chat. Will post any relevant info I find out for ya! Good day.


Yo, I have two that you need:

10X DC Ring Tunic
20X Bronze Chain Coif

The DC I'd only want maybe 20k for, the Bronze on the other hand...I'd need a pretty substantial trade for. Last 120 small BOD I sold was for 200k and that was a 20X Shadow Plate BOD, so I feel like 250k would be about right for a 20X Bronze Chain.

Let me know what you think.


well i dont need 10x dc ring tunic and couldnt afford the bronze anyway. would be willing to trade a shadow plate sbod and something else for it but thats all i could offer.