Top 5 or 10 Rare Clothing


1. Ultra-white, acquired by large donations.

2. Vesper/gold, removed from BOD rewards very early on. These sell for 300k+ but are hard as hell to find.

3. Pure white, 500k/yd on gold sink vendor.

4. New hues, cost 350 pts from [eventscore rewards, forever pink and bloodstained (bloodstained is cool as hell, BTW) these yds sell for around 100k per.

5. Everything else (people tend to favor and pay 15k/yd for fire orange, fallon, ice white, blood red, and mint green tier 5 BOD cloth...everything else is 5k/yd or less)
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My antlers of course
What hue did your antlers end up being btw? I know they were changed a couple times :/

But yeah, there are some special event clothing items/masks that sell for mils that are not available through other means.


Aside from unique items I mean.

Blaze sandals sell for 8-12 mils. Even at full cost a PW robe wouldn't be worth that much.

Blaze sashes go for 4-6 mils.

Other than that I think PW clothings > vesper/gold > high demand bod rewards.

Of course there is the forever robe, some rare hue spell books and robes, etc, that are worth many mils.