Tinker trapped boxes change/bug?


I used to be able to trap the boxes on my tinker and they wouldn't be armed until the box was locked. Now it seems they are armed right after the tinker makes them even though it still gives the notice "Trap is disabled until you lock the chest.".


I've noticed the same thing only I've just recently started to make trapped boxes and thought that was a little weird.


Staff member
Seems to be working just fine to me. If a box has been previously trapped before you do not need to lock and unlock it.


Correct. Once someone arms them they are safe for that player.
A couple months ago I would trap 15 wooden boxes with the keys in them and put them in a bag. I would get them as needed with my other chars. I could open them and they wouldn't blow up. About a month ago I went to the bag and got a box and opened it and it blew up(the rest of the boxes in the bag were also armed now). Not a big deal was just wondering if anyone else noticed. Only thing I have to do different now is take the key out of the box before I make the trap. Maybe I was doing something wrong, who knows...


Once you trap them you have to arm them by locking them with the key. Unlock it again and it will blow up anyone that tries to open it except the armer.


Once you trap them you have to arm them by locking them with the key. Unlock it again and it will blow up anyone that tries to open it except the armer.
Yes, I'm talking about when you first make them with your tinker. I used to be able to just make them with the keys inside and put them right in a bag. Then I would grab them with other chars. I would open them take the key out and lock it then unlock. I did this for months. Then recently I went to the bag and got a box and opened it and it blew up. All of the boxes were armed. When I make them now with my tinker they are armed/set from the get go where as they used to be able to be opened(by any char) as long as you haven't used the key to lock and unlock it.