Thunter build advice


100 lockpicking
100 magery
75 meditation
70 cartography
100 animal lore
75 animal taming
80 veterinary
120 fishing
720 points total

I was told you only need 70 cart to decode any map and that if I had good thunter runes I wouldn't need mining. If either of those are wrong I'll have to adjust. Meditation will most likely get scrapped.

The plan is to have 2 young dragon pets to escort me on thunts or deep sea fishing. I'm somewhat new to fishing and don't know if I need em or not, just heard there be sea serpents out there.

If I needed more power for a tougher map I'd dual box my 100 tamer or get others to assist me.

Any advice is appreciated.


You dont need gm picking for tmaps. But the rest seems fine I guess. You can kill sea serps with just magery and be in no danger. Personally, I would drop the taming and just dual client for the mibs and treasure chests. Get provo instead.


You dont need gm picking for tmaps. But the rest seems fine I guess. You can kill sea serps with just magery and be in no danger. Personally, I would drop the taming and just dual client for the mibs and treasure chests. Get provo instead.


you wont need any pets for most of the sea monsters, EVs do the trick just fine in most cases. the only exception is leviathan and you summon him only when you want to so you can be there with your 100 tamer for that. pets at see would be a hindrance if anything, you will be out for hours when you fish and they will get unhappy. also they can block you in trapping you which can cause issues. and lastly they will be boated by pirates and you will need to have summoning balls to use them at sea.

As for treasure maps. you can just dual client those with your tamer. no need to youngs.

if you swap out your Taming skills for Provo and 50 hiding you will pretty much have my exact build, and I love it. I fish easily, and I to up to level 4 maps without dual clienting.

oh and you only need 95 LP to open every level of treasure chest, but for level 5 paragon chests you need GM.


100 Lockpicking
100 Magery
100 Meditation
100 Musicianship
120 Provocation
120 Fishing
80 Cartography

is what I'm shooting for now. Considering scrapping fishing once I realized dragons don't like fish and I find tmaps and paragon chests on the tamer. Don't know if trying to setup for deep sea fishing Mibs is worth my time.


100 Lockpicking
100 Magery
100 Meditation
100 Musicianship
120 Provocation
120 Fishing
80 Cartography

is what I'm shooting for now. Considering scrapping fishing once I realized dragons don't like fish and I find tmaps and paragon chests on the tamer. Don't know if trying to setup for deep sea fishing Mibs is worth my time.

I do about 30 MIBs in 4 hours (including set up and selling) I usually bank 320-350k after im done, 2-4k of each reg, a full chest of high end armor and weapons. and when im lucky 1-3 rares. and a bunch of chests.

all with almost no risk of PKs, no griefers, no crazy hard MOBs and I do it while I watch TV. its easy fast money. so I would say its worth it. but that's up to you. I suppose if you hate making money your right its not worth it. ;)


Thanks a lot mess, definitely worth trying out heh.

Krro I read on an older post that only the cartographer can make use of the map. Fishing I think can be on whatever character though.