The "New Player Experience" is sorely lacking


New Member
Just thought I'd give a perspective here. Never played UO before, wanted to see what it was about, saw lots of recommendations for this server as a place to start.

Ok, installer worked great. Some technical glitches with the client, wasn't too hard to get things working well enough. I get in, fumble around enough to be able to follow the guide to the young player dungeon, so good so far.

I realize that I probably have to study up on some of the basics of UO before I start fighting things. so for most of the day I read guides of various types. The page at seems broken but I find a couple others, notably and ... yeah they're for the commercial game but should cover the basics I figure. For good measure I also watch all the videos on .. I figure at this point I got a pretty good handle on starting out.

I spend most of my "young player" hours in the young player dungeon. After I got some basic healing & casting macros set up grinding that lich at the end becomes a piece of cake. I'm getting a good stock of gold, starting to add some spells to my book, I buy what I think is decent armor, I'm feeling pretty good.

Time to go out into the "real world" I think. The graveyard is pretty easy, even though around here my young status wore off as I noticed monsters auto-aggro at me. Also around here I had my first "PK" attempt against me, though I think the guy was pretty low level as I was able to run away easily and I think someone else killed him. No biggie.

I'm looking for a bigger challenge, and remember seeing in one of the guides a dungeon called "Despise" north of Britain. So I start wandering up there, admiring the player houses, killing some random monsters and occasionally seeing another player run by. I get a little lost, so I consult a map online, and then re-direct myself toward Despise. On the way there someone starts attacking me. I immediately turn to run, but suddenly I'm stuck and can't move, and I die.

Ok, I know PKing is part of the game. But what bugs me is why did I get stuck? I search around and the best I can come up with is that I accidentally hit a spell cast key and it had me stand still while I was casting. So I head back up there, this time planning to be careful not to hit any keys in case I need to run away again. I make it to the mouth of Despise, and there's a "blue" there who strikes me up in conversation. I mention I'm new, and he says this is a good noob dungeon but warns me about PKers hanging around. Just then a red runs in off the screen, I run away, again I get stuck and basically instantly die.

Long story short I eventually searched for the right terms and learned about the "paralyze" spell. And something about trapped pouches. So I spend a couple hours now digging into the "how to survive PK" realm of UO forums. I find lots of very detailed and arcane advice, but one major thing that seems like a good idea is to get a safe rune that I can recall away if I get into trouble.

Ok so back in Britain I'm staring at the glut of auto-moongate vendors near the bank seeing if anyone seems to be advertising a rune book. At this point I'm getting short on resources that I had gotten from new player bonus/young dungeon grinding, so I want to be careful about how I spend my money. (I actually got PK'ed a couple more times that aren't in this story, losing some resources each time). But a runebook seems crucial, so I'm willing to shell out for it. I step into one vendor's moongate, start looking through their vendors, and.... get PK'd at their shop.

This is quickly becoming Not Fun.

Back to forum reading. I get more detailed guides. I learn that sometimes rune books aren't enough, and if I really want to survive I should have a whole loadout of potions, spells and other tricks all key-bound in the helper program. I should stay away from high-traffic areas and dungeons (and *especially* the noob dungeons) and try hunting in lone desolate areas until I've got everything put together. I've put over a dozen hours in-game and probably as much time researching out-of-game just trying to figure out how to start, and now I'm looking at dozens more hours of play time grinding my way in boring desolate areas to build some pre-specified load out (plus required razor/hotkey setup) that I read about in some forum just so I can Not Die Long Enough to see some interesting parts of the game world.

It was around here that I uninstalled the client. Honestly I have better things to do with my time.

Don't get me wrong. I get it. Once you get past all this, and get your setups all right and are used to the arcane intricacies of the game world, I can see how high-level play could be an exhilarating experience. But this learning curve is bullshit. It's basically easy noob cheesecake dungeon to extreme high-level PvP with nothing in-between. And what's worse, *none* of the guides I referred to above even came *close* to preparing me for this stuff. I know the commercial game has the non-pvp facet so it makes sense for those guides. But the in-game guides? The youtube channel? Nothing was mentioned about surviving pvp at *all*, and yet that appears to be the major driving force of gameplay on this server.

You want new players? You need to provide a sane learning curve. This "just search forums and put in your hours and figure it out like the rest of us" attitude that I see on the forums is just lazy. High-level PvP and a reasonable learning curve are *not* mutually exclusive and if any server can pull it off, I think this one can. But if basically *all* of the interesting gameplay is locked away until you spend a huge chunk of time studying arcane meta-game logic and setups and slowly grinding in intentionally boring areas, well I can't really see how reasonable people would have the patience for that.


UO is a pretty hardcore game Kenguin. Its not a casual game that you can just download and start playing like all the rest theme park trashy mmos out there. Its more like a hobby, like wargames or pen and paper rpgs. You need to take it slowly at the start and maybe try get into a guild with ppl willing to teach you.
Quick advice i can give you is have a macro that cast recall and target a safe rune (bank or house). Hit the hotkey for this as soon as you see a red name on the edge of your screen. Also try adjust the resolution of game screen through razor to something higher than the 800x600 so you can see a bit further.
you seem to be a proficient learner and are trying hard.

hit me up and ask all the questions you want and ill teach you how to play uo!


Hey Kenguin,
I can certainly understand where you are coming from. UO has a very high learning curve. It's a hardcore game, that has been around for a long time. The fact of the matter is, a good majority of the players on any private shard you play are going to be Vets and know alot about the game. This can be good and bad. Good in the fact that there are those out there that will be able to help you. But bad because alot of the population knows more and will use that against you.

That being said, I understand the learning curve can be hard. There is alot to this game. But there are resources out there that can help. I know the game has a companion system designed to help younger players. You may wish to look into this. I don't have any personal exerience with it, however.

My advice to you, is to find a good guild and/or ppl who are willing to help. Trollbridge has offered to assist you, and I would also like to offer that as well. Pm any questions you may have, and I'd be happy to help. Or just post them here, and you'll get a variety of different answers. If your looking for a good group of people to play and hang out with, and don't mind some casual RP, I would recommend the city of Trinsic.

Quick advice:
Did you ever figure out the trapped pouch thing? If not, then I want to provide you with the following advice:
Go to a Provisioner, and purchase several trapped pouchs and one untrapped.
Put the trapped pouches in this untrapped poutch and keep those on you at all times.
Go to Razor, and create a simple macro:
say [pouch
Hotkey this macro.
You'll want to use this everytime you get paralysed, be it by a PK or a lich.

It is up to you how much you want to put into this game. But there will be leg work that you will have to do yourself. There are many, such as myself, that are willing to help out. I suggest asking questions in the New Player section, or pm trollbride or I, or any other ppl that are willing to help.
UO is a great game, but it's also not EQ or WoW. There will be things that need to be learned, and the game will be quite frustrating.
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This game and all "Massive Multiplayer Online games" are not,at the design core, made to be played solo. This game in particular will punish you severely for playing alone more so than any other mmo in existence.

Dwyane Wade

Hate to see you get so far then quit. Did you try posting here to ask questions? Lotta d-bags here but there are some quality helpful people

Anyways, if you decide to give it another try I'll be more than happy to help and give my advice


for someone who has never played UO i can see it being a pretty difficult game to understand, most of us have played it on and off for years. but you are right about the squishy mode right into hardcore pvp mode and it is tough for someone who is just learning the game.. there are alot of assholes on this server like Mr. Wade mentioned but there are also some good people who dont mind helping out.. if you decide to try again there are a few people here who have mentioned they would help you out, i would also like to put my time in to help if need be, i have a bunch of magic armor and stuff that is just sitting in my banks i wouldnt mind getting rid of.. hit one of us up and we will try and make this something you like.. dont like seeing a new player turned sour so quick.