The new anti zerg laws!


Ok so pvp in general is a zerg fest. Red on blue, blue on red doesn't matter it's all get the numbers and call out victim.
This is not pvp.
I recommend a fix that would be a fairly significant change and likely would need tweaking one iimplemented. So please don't argue against the details of values as they can be adjusted but instead argue for or against the concept.

What I'm suggesting:
A diminishing returns system of damage for multiple aggressors.
If two players damage a player with 5 seconds of each other the damage is reduced to 50% on the second attack. If a third damage is reduced to 33% and 25% for four different sources of damage in a 5 second period.
All damage reduction would have to be pvp only no effect on mob damage.
This would opens up group pvp to be more of a splitting into 1v1 with players having to watch the allies for needed heals and there enemies for opportunities for a kill shot. The team with the greater number still has an advantage but if you have players who can't carry there own weight you will feel it. I see this causing longer pvp battles where even in a 4v4 when one team takes a 4v2 lead the fight is certainly not over.
This would make for great arena battles and make runners stand a better chance but I think the trade off of creating a much better group battle scenario is a worthwhile trade.

As a side if this was implemented you could remove stat for pk but not give them the diminishing returns on damage. This would help keep Pk with a punishment but make zerg pk groups at a disadvantage.

2 aside: with this change fights are going to last longer and be more based on timing and resource management so I would like to see pet stamina loss added when you have been in pvp in the last five minutes and make potions stackable or make mini keg you can drink out of that holds 10 pots if you want to give crafter something people will actually buy.



I made suggestions along these lines months and months ago once I realized how ineffective the bounty system is here, they went as follows:

First two attackers are fair game.

Third attacker and beyond get message "you are GANKING XX" and gets insta temporary stat loss. Something minor enough to allow player to play the game but without the bonuses that come with having 100 skill. Something like 5-10% for 5 minutes.

My ideas were not well received. Fair warning.

What makes these suggestions difficult is being able to restrain PK's witout promoting ganking. That's why the bounty system fails, reds just take a safety in numbers approach to protect their heads and it just kinda makes the problem worse as it's significantly riskier to solo PK than it is to zerg.


I made suggestions along these lines months and months ago once I realized how ineffective the bounty system is here, they went as follows:

First two attackers are fair game.

Third attacker and beyond get message "you are GANKING XX" and gets insta temporary stat loss. Something minor enough to allow player to play the game but without the bonuses that come with having 100 skill. Something like 5-10% for 5 minutes.

My ideas were not well received. Fair warning.
People like to gank unfortunately. However I would love to see 4v4 where it's really 4 1v1's and you've got to watch for a well timed heal or kill shot. Right now in a 4v4 the people spend almost no time on the same screen.


People also don't like to read our change so I expect much flame. I just want more epic battles as it stands even the good group pvp I've been in have always been just getting everyone to drop on one guy. Lets see some more tactics.

gucci mane

I made suggestions along these lines months and months ago once I realized how ineffective the bounty system is here, they went as follows:

First two attackers are fair game.

Third attacker and beyond get message "you are GANKING XX" and gets insta temporary stat loss. Something minor enough to allow player to play the game but without the bonuses that come with having 100 skill. Something like 5-10% for 5 minutes.

My ideas were not well received. Fair warning.
lets add less restrictions rather than more

scenario with anti zerg law damage reduction: OK player1 go in and draw the fire and they will get reduced damage/ and then we will roll in

OK guild we are gonna split up our targeting to achieve maximum DPS because if we have 4 people blasting the same target a magical force will reduce our dmg

OK the numbers in the battle just changed from 3v5 to 7v5 and they have damage reduction because we were originally "ganking them"

magical invisible restrictions take away from the world

how the hell would you account for the combatants on either "side" of a battle? what about 3 different forces all fighting eachother? what about players who are spies and mutiny on their own army betraying them? what about the number of players changing during the battle? people dieing and recalling in?

its just a headache and a really stupid idea. let the gankers gank, and in turn be ganked

trying to rewrite UO at core levels in 2014 ~_~


The Damage is reduced on the player receiving damage not the players giving damage so if you are hit by three didn't players the damage to you is reduced. However the attacking players damage is not effected. Allowing people to partner off. Or break down to small group for max damage.


trying to rewrite UO at core levels in 2014 ~_~
And yes if I am making a car I'm not going to settle for the model they used 15 years ago although it will work I'm willing to try to make it better. If it was flawless sure leave it. But this is an online game and will never be perfect but we can always try to move the bar a little closer.

gucci mane

And yes if I am making a car I'm not going to settle for the model they used 15 years ago although it will work I'm willing to try to make it better. If it was flawless sure leave it. But this is an online game and will never be perfect but we can always try to move the bar a little closer.
the way it is a fully functioning virtual world without many invisible forces affecting player decisions is what makes it good



It's still group battle just would up the value on skill. Numbers would still win in most cases but can be overcome if the skill variant is large enough where as now 3v1 is 99% of the time numbers win or run run run then 1v1.


lets add less restrictions rather than more

scenario with anti zerg law damage reduction: OK player1 go in and draw the fire and they will get reduced damage/ and then we will roll in

OK guild we are gonna split up our targeting to achieve maximum DPS because if we have 4 people blasting the same target a magical force will reduce our dmg

OK the numbers in the battle just changed from 3v5 to 7v5 and they have damage reduction because we were originally "ganking them"

magical invisible restrictions take away from the world

how the hell would you account for the combatants on either "side" of a battle? what about 3 different forces all fighting eachother? what about players who are spies and mutiny on their own army betraying them? what about the number of players changing during the battle? people dieing and recalling in?

its just a headache and a really stupid idea. let the gankers gank, and in turn be ganked

trying to rewrite UO at core levels in 2014 ~_~
This is pretty much it. Sadly the only practical answer is remove all penalties and maybe some of the UO "elite" will start actually playing like it.

I mean I suck but at least I have the balls to roll solo on my reds. I tried pk'ing with ToKe but that lasted about five whole minutes. In the end there's only so much self-respect you can have when you are 5v1'ing newbs at the Yew gate.


This really isn't that hard a coding issue its a simple check every time you take player damage how many attackers have hit you in the last x seconds then damage = damage*y.

gucci mane

This really isn't that hard a coding issue its a simple check every time you take player damage how many attackers have hit you in the last x seconds then damage = damage*y.
you are not thinking about the bigger picture about how this would actually play out in real gameplay

gucci mane

i alrdy spelled it out for u, i seriously dont think you pvp , cause you posted this thread in the first place

OK player1 go in and draw the fire and they will get reduced damage/ and then we will roll in (THIS MAKES THE 1ST PLAYER A TANK WHO GETS REDUCED DAMAGE CAUSE HE WAS GETTING GANK HIT FIRST)

OK guild we are gonna split up our targeting to achieve maximum DPS because if we have 4 people blasting the same target a magical force will reduce our dmg (why should we have to split up? do you do that in other games? its stupid)

OK the numbers in the battle just changed from 3v5 to 7v5 and they have damage reduction because we were originally "ganking them"

magical invisible restrictions take away from the world

how the hell would you account for the combatants on either "side" of a battle? what about 3 different forces all fighting eachother? what about players who are spies and mutiny on their own army betraying them? what about the number of players changing during the battle? people dieing and recalling in?

this doesnt even address NON-TARGETED spells which i have addressed last time this antigank suggestion came up

what about wall of stone spam from the larger group? taming a swarm of animals to use as body blockers? using players as body blockers? dropping solid furniture like stools and chests to block movement? those dont even TARGET anyone

# of combatants and allegiances change rapidly.... adding restrictions to the game is stupid. uo is freedom