The Criminal System Is Severely Flawed.


Why, for the love of god, would you bring an issue up?! You are only adding to the problem by bringing awareness to the people that can fix it. Sheesh.. People nowadays....



I see absolutely no benefit to allowing criminals to go through gates

That would mean Criminals can not enter Moongates either.

To be honest, this shard is making Blues life way too easy and Criminals / Reds unfair. Of course they should have no mercy, but still some limit there. Some equality. Even Reds are getting Criminal flags, which should be overruled as you are already Red.

Have you guys ever played UO @ POL shards? Some of them didnt even have guards zapping you, only chasing lol. And you were able to do mass killing in Britain (Earthquake scrolls). And players didn't whine. They found it entertaining and that is all about this game. Being entertaining.

Learn to play and stop whining!

No for this suggestion.