T-Hunter Chests

De Medici

Hi guys,

i just finished to create my new T-Hunter and I am a bit disapointed of the loot of the chests.

Is the always only Gold and magic waepons/armors in the chests or can u also get other stuff´?


Gold, weapons, armor, spell scrolls, gems, and occassionally another map in the chests.

There was a thread requesting that Relics, Power Scrolls and Skill Scrolls be added to them but nothing ever came of that.

I suppose there is a chance the higher level mobs or motm's that spawn from a treasure chest can technically drop relics and scrolls....


Only thing I've gotten out of the boxes are the stuff I listed above. I've gotten skills scrolls off the mobs that spawn, and relics off of MOTM's so if you get a box that spawns those there's a chance I guess... Like this month if you do a Plainly map they spawn Ratmen which obviously have a chance to drop Relics and what-not. Ingeniously maps spawn Titans which drop skill scrolls fairly regularly.

I thought I read another thread on here somewhere where the person was asking what the admins thought about including Relics, Skill and Power Scrolls in the actual chests themselves, but I don't recall seeing a response. The Wiki doesn't have anything in regards to those being in the chests - it just talks about the gold, the number of magic weapons, and what mobs you can expect to encounter.


I think anytime you take a piece out there is a chance to spawm a mob on the list. Some will spawn more than others. I know on some shards there was a timer on how often the mobs could spawn. So looting slowly would cause you to get more mobs to spawn than if you just riffled everything out of the box at warp speed - I'm not sure if that's in place on this server, though.


Ur def right on the chance a mob spawns per pull. I don't think there is a timer I did a test recently on that and it didn't seem to make a differance but that was just one chest I tested the timer on.

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Everytime an item is moved theres a chance at a mob spawning but there is a limit to how many mobs spawn per chest.

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Little question. Where i can sell Bone armor piece in Brit? No one wants to buy