Dale Winton

Ahoy there!

Now, some of you may have already seen this on the news or read about it in the papers or online. I've just totally re-vamped my vendor, 1 screen south of Yew gate. Some of you doubted me, but I've spoken to the boffins at Oxford University and they tell me that this refurbishment has increased homosexuality level by a minimum of 600%.

So, "What the fuck have you got for sale" I heard you cry! COME AND HAVE A BLOODY LOOK!!!

+25 Vanq weaps


A Hook

Small Fishing Net Deed

Some weird boxes

Invul Armour

Forti Armour

Generic other shit I don't want any more

You better get down here fast before everything sells out. I mean, that's not going to happen... But I really want your gold!


Too ******** to find it? NO PROBLEM MY FRIEND! Here's a pic :)


Dale Winton

Oh forgot to add there's loads of power weapons. Super cheap, and I've spent ages sorting them into bags!

Dear consumer... Are you terrible at PVP and die a lot like me? GOOD NEWS! There's power weapons. Almost as agood as vanq, and a fraction of the cost. Just died in Destard and lost all your stuff? NO CHUFFIN PROBLEM MATE! Dale Winton stocks many power weapons at under 1000gold.

"But Dale, how can you afford to sell stock this cheap?" - I literally just fished all this shit out of the sea and then put it on my vendor. That's how!


Despite being a bit of an alpha, I was oddly quite allured by all those scrumptious men in pink at the top of your house. alas there wasn't the skill scrolls I was looking for, but I marked it anyway! Highly recommended shop ;)