WTS Statue of Donner,


Got off Donner during the xmas event.

Last chance to get a one of a kind statue of this hue and name!! from the grinch event only.
No more will ever come across, jump on this rare statue while you can.

High bid via the flube @ 2mill

B/O 4mill

Accept donation coins at 170k per 1k!
still open to other offers.
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No problem, understood. last bid was from a player friend who don't use the forums. I informed him I can not take his bids unless he makes a forum account and bid personally.

Anyway bump to the top.

Also accept donation coins @ 165k per. 1k.



Your time is running out to get this one of a kind statue of this hue and name!! from the grinch event only. (8 total reindeer statues each of their own hue and name) doubt anymore will ever spawn!
statue of dancer the guy is asking for 5mill !

Current bid of this green statue of donner is at 2mill via the flube.