WTB Small pl8 GM verite x 15 Bods for +60 ASH

I'm looking for Verite 15x GM Platemail Tunic, Helm + Gloves!!
(I have the large + gorget + now legs+ arms)
Paying 150k for each

CURRENTLY OFFERING FOR TRADE after 5-8 hours of organizing.

+10 ASH
RING x20
large ring gm copper x 20 +10ASH
small ring glove gm copper x20 +10 ASH
small ring tunic gm copper x20 +10 ASH

small ring gloves gm copper x20 +10 ASH
small ring tunic gm copper x20 +10 ASH

RING x10
small ring gloves gm x10 +10 ASH

Chain x20
small chain coif gm dull copp x20 +10 ASH
small chain tunic gm dull copp x20 +10 ASH
small chain coif gm dull x20 +10 ASH

Ring x15
small ring glove gm bronze x15 +10 ASH
large pl8 norm Bronze x10 +10 ASH
Pl8 x15
small pl8 arms normal bronze x15 +10 ASH
small pl8 arm norm Bronze x15 +10 ASH

+15 ASH
PL8 x 10

Large plate GM shadow 10 +15ASH
Pl8 x 20
large pl8 gm dull x20 +15 ASH
large pl8 gm dull x 20 +15 ASH
small pl8 arms gm dull copp x20 +15 ASH
small pl8 leg gm Dull Copp X20 +15 ASH
small pl8 helm gm dull cop x20 +15 ASH
small pl8 arm gm dull copp x20 +15 ASH
small pl8 arms gm dullcop x20 +15 ASH
small pl8 helm gm dull cop x20 +15 ASH
small pl8 arm gm dull copp x20 +15 ASH
small pl8 legs gm dull copp x20 15 ASH
ring x 20

small ring sleev gm gold x 20 +15 ASH
Pl8 x 15
small pl8 leg gm shad iron x15 +15 ASH
small pl8 legs gm shadow x15 +15 ASH

small pl8 arms gm dull copp x15 +15 ASH
Chain x 20
small chain legg gm copper x20 +15 ASH

+30 ASH
large pl8 normal valorite x20 +30 ASH
small pl8 glove gm gold x15 +30 ASH
small pl8 arms gm bronze 20 +30 ash
small chain legs gm agapite x20 +30ASH
small ring tunic gm valorite x20 +30 ASH

large pl8 nongmDullCop 10/90 anvil/105ps

pl8 x 10
small pl8 tunic gm dullcop x 10 +115ps
small pl8 arms gm dullcopp x10 115 PS
small pl8 glove gm dull copp x10 115 PS

Pl8 x 15

large pl8 gm dull copp x15 115 PS
Small Plate helm DullCop x15 PS 115
small pl8 tunic gm dull copp x15 115 PS
small pl8 gorg gm dull cop x15 115 PS
small pl8 leg gm dull copper x15 115 PS

Chain x 20
small chain coif gm shad iron x 20 115 PS
small chain coif gm shadow x20 115 PS

large pl8 norm gold x15 115 PS

Chain x 10
large chain gm copper x10 115 PS
small chain tunic gm copper x10 115 PS

Chain x 15
small chain legg gm copper x15 115 PS
small chain coif gm copper x15 115 PS
small chain tunic gm copper x15 115 PS

Ring x 20
small ring gloves gm bronze x20 115 PS
small ring legg gm bronze x20 115 PS
Ring x 10
small ring sleeves gm Golden x10 115 PS

Pl8 x 20
large pl8 gm Shadow x20 120 PS
small pl8 gm gloves shad iron x 20 120 ps
small pl8 gloves gm shad iron x20 120 PS
small pl8 glove gm shadow x20 120 PS
small pl8 tun gm shadow iron x 20 120 PS
small pl8 tunic gm shadow x20 120 PS
small pl8 tun gm shad iron x20 120 PS
small pl8 helm gm shadow x20 120 PS
small pl8 gorg gm shadow x20 120 PS
small pl8 gorg gm shadow x20 120 PS
Chain x20
Large chain gm Bronze x20 120 PS
small chain leg gm bronze x20 120PS
small chain coif gm bronze x20 120 PS

Chain x 10
small chain tunic gm golden x10 120 PS
small chain leg gm gold x10 120 PS

Pl8 x 15

large pl8 gm shadow x20 120 PS

large pl8 gm copper x15 120 PS
small pl8 arms gm copper x 15 120 PS
small pl8 glove gm copper x15 120 PS
small pl8 glove gm copper x15 120 PS
small pl8 gorg gm copper x15 120 PS
small pl8 tunic gm copper x15 120 PS
Pl8 x 10
large pl8 gm copper x10 120 PS
small pl8 arm gm copper x10 120 PS
small pl8 tunic gm copper x10 120 PS
small pl8 tunic gm copper x10 120 PS

small pl8 tunic norm verite x10 120 PS

Ring x 20
small ring tunic gm agapite x20 120 PS

Pl8 x 20
Large pl8 norm shadow x20 Bronze Runic
Ring x 10
Small Ring tun GM Cop 10 Bronze Runic
Small ring tunic Gm copper 10 Bronze runic
small ring glove gm copperx10 Bronze Runic

Ring x 20

small ring leg Shadowiron x 20 Bronze runic
small ring tun gm shadiron x20 Bronze runic
small ring tun gm shadow x20 Bronze runic
small ring tunic gm shad x20 Bronze Runic

Pl8 x 15
small pl8 glove norm Copp x15 Bronze Runic
Pl8 x10
small pl8 leg norm copp x 10 Bronze runic
Small Pl8 leg copper 10 Bronze hammer

Ring x 10
large ring gm copper x10 Bronze runic
Chain x 15
small chain legg dull copp x15 Bronze Runic

Pl8 x 20
Large pl8 Gm Copper20 Gold hammer
large pl8 gm copper x20 Gold Runic
large pl8 gm copper x20 Gold runic
large pl8 gm copper x20 Gold Runic
small pl8 glove gm copper x20 gold runic
small pl8 helm gm copper x20 gold runic
small pl8 legs gm copper x20 Gold Runic

pl8 x 15
small pl8 gorget bronze GM x15 Gold Runic
small pl8 leg gm bronze x15 Gold runic
pl8 x 10
large pl8 gm bronze x10 Gold runic
small pl8 tunic gm aga x10 Gold runic
Ring x 20
small ring legg verite gm x20 Gold hammer

small pl8 legs gm agapite x15 agapite runic
small pl8 gorg gm agapite 15x agapite runic
small pl8 arms gm agapite x15 agapite Runic

small pl8 gorg gm verite x20 verite hammer
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