slayer spellbook


win some events and u can have slayer books i have won i think total 5 books now.

also some raffles have item bless deeds and u can actually bless weapons, that actually affect pvp.

very much unlike the slayer books.


i donated 100,000$ real life monies, and it dropped. maybe it had something to do with the money. i cant be sure.

get a job donate 100,000$
Meanwhile... The rest of us have donated maybe $100 total and you still lose to us at Harrowers...


win some events and u can have slayer books i have won i think total 5 books now.

also some raffles have item bless deeds and u can actually bless weapons, that actually affect pvp.

very much unlike the slayer books.
Is it slayer vs all types of mobs? event or super rare drop of khalinga like meta imp? =)