WTS Selling: Ingots & Sand

Howdy-- new to the game, selling my first batch of stuff I gathered.

1800 Iron 9gp
1680 Dull 12gp
1400 Shadow 18gp
2100 Copper 22gp
720 Bronze 26gp
520 Golden 30gp
340 Agapite 45gp
125 Verite 55gp
235 Valorite 55gp

What's interesting is I've found I farm more Val than Ver for some reason.

I read that sand is valued between 200-500. So I'll sell mine for 325gp each. I have 100 pieces... or piles, or whatever.

Character name is James Longstreet

1800 Iron 9gp
1680 Dull 12gp
0 Shadow 18gp -- SOLD OUT
2100 Copper 22gp
0 Bronze 26gp -- SOLD OUT
520 Golden 30gp
0 Agapite 45gp -- SOLD OUT
125 Verite 55gp
235 Valorite 55gp

--Will be replenishing stock this evening after work