Selling Goods Cheap


I've just stuck a small vendor up at the following coordinates: 118°49'S8°55'E

I've loaded it up with the following:

+1 Magic Resist = 3500
+1 Tinkering = ****

+1 BlackSmith = 9000
3 +1 Lumberjack = 500 each
+1 Peacemaking = 4000
+1 Provocation = 5000
+1 Sword = 150
+1 Fencing = 150

2 +1 Magery = 5000 each

Orc Statue - 5000

Kryss: Substanstial, Vanq, Accurate for 6000

A few Invul Pieces for 2000 and under.

Thanks everyone.
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Selling forums are busy today - one bump since i had the wrong coordinates and then this can sink into the nether. i do plan on adding scrolls, and trying to keep 'em below market value mainly due to my vendor being in East Bumble F***. For those not familiar with the coordinates - head West out of Trinsic and stay north of the river by the exit. Find the MTN range and go south around the penninsula and curve back north. It's a small two story along the mtn range.