WTS Selling Full Verite Runic Hammer & few more items

the spca

Selling the Full Verite Runic Hammer(15 Charges)- 3.9 mil- will trade with some gold for Bloody Talons relic.

120 Blacksmith PS-375k
x3 Bronze Runic Hammers(30 Charges)-85k each
x26 Fletching SS's-3k each
Crystal from Occlo event-offer
A Giant Frog Statuette-offer
x2 Trophy of Trolls Head-50k each
Blessed Doublet-1194 Metalic Red Hue-180k
Blessed Doublet-normal one-90k

If ya want to buy any of the items above just send me a message to my inbox.

BODS Im Buying. All Exceptional

X10 Bronze plate, Tunic, Legs, Helm
x20 Bronze Chain Leggs
x20 Gold Chain lbod
x20 Bronze Plate Gloves
x20 Verite Ringmail Gloves and sleeves
x10 Dull Copper Chain Coifx2
x10 Spined Studded Tunic, Sleeves and Gloves
x20 Shadow Ringmail Leggs and glovesx3 of each

Just send a msg with price of bods, thank you.

the spca

I just sold it but i have 3 more that are 1 bod from being done. ill try to finish 1 by tonight or tomarrow. ill save for ya too.