WTS Selling Butler!!~ Cheapest Available! Current bid 3.2M, B/0 3.5M!


Odd that he would pm bo this time and post it last time. But oh well I'll just have to buy one off dono vendor I guess. Not the first or the last thread where pm wins the deal.

Although not to worry I'm sure Bobby is just buying this as a gift for me anyways.


i pm buyout because this guy pm me .

I didnt even know he won the butler from the original seller .


Guess u need a GM to do it.

Wish I'd done more research. As a dexxer, the Butler isn't useful. I think it would be better for a mage.

It can't do my armor for me, only GM leather that must be in full repair everytime it is stocked.

It would be good for pots, but I only usually go through refresh pots. Bandages I have overstock on when I check in cuz I'm looting them off pirates, same with DP pots. So about the only thing it would be good for is refresh pots and arrows, and really it's not much to restock those manually.

Only use this if you have a magery char.