Razor Reg Icons... (display counter)

Joey Golden

I still use razor and i enjoy using it mainly for pvm, well as of a day or two ago, i logged in and the top tool bar that shows the display counter, for your regs, bandaids, your health bar and all that stuff, all the sudden has changed...

my problem is, it used to show the icon of each reg, with the number of said regs next to it, ( ie black pearl with a picture of a black pearl and say 90) Now for some reason all it shows it just the numbers, with no pictures of the regs, or bandaids or anything, and its driving me nuts. I know its a small issue to some but im super OCD and its driving me off the wall, i haven't had time to even play bc iv been trying to fix this issue for 2 days now can someone please help me,..


Your profile might have gone corrupt?

Try making a new profile under the General tab and see if the icons show on a fresh one.

Joey Golden

I figured it out, i had 2 copys of uo installed and it was trying to run off a corrupt version, deleted it, reinstalled razor and works fine again. thanks for the help