Ramsey Snow speeds hacks

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Hey again ;)

There must have been something additional to this story, that's not how game mechanics work here. You gotta pick yourself up and dust off man. If you quit over getting Rez killed this probably isn't the game for you, sadly.

All the 'he jumped 10 tiles!' comments : TELEPORT.
A parry dexxer using teleport without casting spells?


i've had similar occurences. we play from in dallas, which i'm guessing is pretty damn close to the server since average ping here is <30ms. how the hell can someone catch me on a dead run, pass me, and block my path? just for those who act like speed hacking isn't a thing... maybe you've never encountered it being used, but i've seen people admit to using it and i've definitely witnessed it being used. not sure why the server doesn't have detection for it. i know there's definitely fixes in place to log excess tile skipping. perhaps the issue is worldwide latency which could look like speed hacking. i don't know enough to do anything but speculate. however, it's certainly been witnessed by most who play here one time or another.


I would like you all to be aware that I have informed other staff members about this char. He will be monitored. Please re-page if you experience something with him and feel it was suspicious. We will likely hop right to you even if we do not appear to you and or to his char. I say this on here because even if he was on the forums now he knows he is being watched so if it so happens that he is toggling he will likely stop on that sheer fact.

Capt Cid

Something is going on here... I have 100 dex and mounted and have people run circles around me, get away from me like i was standing still. I just got back into UO a week or so ago and look forward to some pvp action, but the speed needs to be somewhat balanced. Like you guys said, maybe they are toggling it, throttling it down, etc... I dont know, but the success of the game is dependant on the ability for people to play fair right? Hopefully you guys can figure it out for us. I am just going to create a ticket every time i see it.


Something is going on here... I have 100 dex and mounted and have people run circles around me, get away from me like i was standing still. I just got back into UO a week or so ago and look forward to some pvp action, but the speed needs to be somewhat balanced. Like you guys said, maybe they are toggling it, throttling it down, etc... I dont know, but the success of the game is dependant on the ability for people to play fair right? Hopefully you guys can figure it out for us. I am just going to create a ticket every time i see it.
Have you checked your ping rates to the server? Also what are you running in the background? UO isn't the resource-hog that newer, less fun, games rae.. but your socket is your socket.. could be something there.


After much review of this char and many staff attempts to follow him we have found that he was indeed speed-hacking. This is a prime example of how pages when suspicion occurs by you guys gave us the ability to look in on him at the proper times. He will no longer be a part of the UOF Community. Going lock this up to give us a little closure on the saga of Ramsey Snow.
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