Question about thieves stealing from bags that are covered.


How and why can they steal from a bag that they cant even see or open? I put my regs bag inside of a bag, then cover it with newbied cloths but yet they still can get in it and steal. And also I thought when your fighting and tried to hide with your opponent on the same screen, they can't hide. Yet thieves keep doing it. I cast on them, then they just hide right in front of my face. Is there invis jewlery on this shard?


a burglar

How and why can they steal from a bag that they cant even see or open? I put my regs bag inside of a bag, then cover it with newbied cloths but yet they still can get in it and steal. And also I thought when your fighting and tried to hide with your opponent on the same screen, they can't hide. Yet thieves keep doing it. I cast on them, then they just hide right in front of my face. Is there invis jewlery on this shard?


That thief was a marine sniper in a ghillie suit. Army doesn't understand...


That thief was a marine sniper in a ghillie suit. Army doesn't understand...

Why do you even reply with such stupid sh*t that has no relation to this topic. I swear UO has more kids than any other game I have seen. Or at least on par with wow.


Thieves love to torment you before, during, and after they take your stuff. The more you feed into it youll find the more youll be targeted. And what your talking about can certainly be done legally

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I don't know if it's possible with Razor, but with steam there was a macro to open all containers in a snooped bag.


In Razor there is the object delay, they can crank that up to like 2 min, then just start moving stuff. to them the suff just disappears till the object delay runs out letting them look through all your stuff even if you cover it.

Locked or trapped box is the only way to keep your stuff safe if its on you.

GM tinker trapped boxes can be fun. you get to watch the thief blow up.

Quinn the Eskimo

New Member
You can briefly drag objects in someone else's backpack to see what's underneath them. Oddly enough, if you quickly drag the object a person is trying to hide, that object ends up on top after both items reappear.


Dragging a blessed robe and then dragging an item under it would require you to act so fast... People really do that?


I was told that you cant snoop in armoire's and the hiding is based on line of sight ( just like casting)


And so ends another episode of These Are The Thieves of Our Lives.

Tune in next week when we hear Army11b say...

"What happened to my Taming Scroll?!?!?!"


In Razor there is the object delay, they can crank that up to like 2 min, then just start moving stuff. to them the suff just disappears till the object delay runs out letting them look through all your stuff even if you cover it.

Locked or trapped box is the only way to keep your stuff safe if its on you.

GM tinker trapped boxes can be fun. you get to watch the thief blow up.

This. The vet thieves know more than likely if you have a boombox in your bag. What I do to have fun with thieves is have 2 boomboxes and another that looks like it in my pack. All my pouches, pots, etc. go into the untrapped container. From there it's a game of chance for thief. If they die from snooping, by the time they come back, I've already switched them around. :D