Question about tailoring Bods


I have a 20X exceptional spined studded leggings, I'm wondering if i should complete the bod and turn it in or if i should hang onto it in case a Lbod comes along that requres this Sbod? I don't really understand how the large/small bod system works. Thanks in advance!


The reward for 20 excep spined can be really nice if you get lucky.

To spend 5-6 of those to fill an LBOD is not worth it at the moment no.


The LBOD would give a horned runic kit. The SBOD gives tier 5 cloth (80%) and sandals (20%). You might get a bad color sandal, or tennis ball yellow cloth, but I'd turn in the SBOD in a heartbeat.

If you're curious about rewards go here: Tower of Roses. The cloth colors don't match up for this server, but you can check Dwayne Wade's Cloth Guide for that.