Problem with placing house


I have bought a deed for a small house. Now when I try to place it, it says :''You do not meet the requirements to own a house. You must have over 1200 skill points total across all characters on your account and also have accrued 1 day of game time on your account.''. I have 2 characters on my account with more then 600 skill points + my account is one day old. Still I get this message.

Can anyone help me with this?


24h of gameplay
make your 3rd char and buy useless skill till u have 1200 points

So, if we have 1200 points, and 3 days old account, but still cannot place a house, we should stay logged in an macro hide or something until we hit 24 hrs of game time?



Ok thanks, it isn't really that clear from the message. I will try some more game time on the guy I want to place and see if I can get something placed tomorrow.