It worked like a charm! Thanks! I would've never been able to write that in a million years lolHere you go... I don't have a keg of poison so verify that the poison type is correct:
Code://Halygon's Weapon Re-Poisoning Macro for UOSteam if @findlayer 'self' 1 clearhands 'right' setalias 'weaptopoison' 'found' pause 800 if @findtype 0xf0a useskill 'Poisoning' waitfortarget 1500 target! 'found' waitfortarget 1500 target! 'weaptopoison' else headmsg 'NO POISON FOUND!' endif pause 800 equipitem 'weaptopoison' 1 else headmsg 'NO WEAPON EQUIPPED!' endif
I just wrote this on the fly so let me know if you run into any problems.