Play on a Mac Question


I read somewhere it was possible but can't find any info now. I have a Macbook Pro and I want to play UO on it. What do I need to buy to do this? And any instructions on downloading UO onto it would be great. Thanks


You can try using wine or vmware, I've tried both, vmware is the better of the two options. If you're using a Retina Macbook Pro, there may be some weirdness though.

My recommendation is to use bootcamp. Played UO, using bootcamp for a long time now and it's worked the best for me.

Also, bootcamp is free, but you need a copy of Windows.


I do have the MacBook Pro with Retina display. I'm not real computer literate in this area and I just don't want to screw up. Fingers are crossed. Thanks


VMWare Fusion with Windows 10 installed works well. You'll need a VMWare Fusion license then though. If you do use that, disable "Use full resolution for retina display" in the VM settings to avoid a ridiculously small resolution and set VM mouse profile to "Never optimize mouse for games".


I am looking for a copy of Windows 7. Its hard to find. I really dislike Windows 10 and would rather not use it if possible. It's one of the reasons I bought a Mac.


Hi, I use linux and play with wine, so this might work with mac wine too. You need to install dotnet45 (for the launcher and uocartographer), vcrun2010 (for uosteam) and disable the option 'allow the window manager to decorate windows' in wine config. That's all!